
March 2022RSS feed

Toad / Smokey / Gate

Wednesday 2 March, 2022

by Rosemary at 11:51am in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 21st February

Dry, cold and windy – lightened by some sunshine.

The farrier was here to do Smokey’s feet. And Dan and I took hay to East Pitkerro, along with some Spot-on, so hopefully the itching will stop. Most of the bare bits now have hair on them so fingers crossed.

Regular readers will know that Monday is my office day, but it was so cold, I had to move back to the dining room table. We have a small electric heater in the office and Dan, rightly, decided to put it on the timer – except he turned it off instead. Hopefully, it will be better tomorrow – for him. I’ll be doing something else.

Primroses / Crocus / Sunflowers

Monday 7 March, 2022

by Rosemary at 11:05am in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 28th February

Quite spring-like today – light showers, light cloud, some sunshine. We have snowdrops, crocus and primroses out now.


crocusA crocus. Which is weird, beacsue I only planted narcisii.

Seed sowing / Thief / Booms

Tuesday 15 March, 2022

by Rosemary at 5:20pm in Smallholding 1 comment Comments closed

Monday 7th March

Finally got round to sowing seeds – tomatoes, cucumber, leeks, sprouts and one variety of cabbage plus parsley and basil. And lots of sweet peas. Also set the peas on damp kitchen paper to germinate, before potting on. Planted out more shallots too.

Wednesday 9th March

A couple of mornings I’ve looked at Smokey’s breakfast hay net and thought it looked emptier than the night before. Now I know why.

Dahlias / Peas / Ostara

Tuesday 22 March, 2022

by Rosemary at 4:57pm in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 14th March

My new dahlia tubers have arrived. One variety of leeks is sprouting, as is the cabbage. Bought some tomato seeds at the supermarket today  - the ones I bought previously had only two seeds in the packets. I should complain but I can’t be bothered.

seedsproutsLeeks, sprouts and cabbage.

Tuesday 15thMarch

Lovely day! Started Spring cleaning, such as it is – stripped our bed and will do the dogs’ beds tomorrow.

Cheeps / Steers out / Tidy up

Sunday 27 March, 2022

by Rosemary at 8:04pm in Smallholding 1 comment Comments closed

Monday 21st March

The good weather continues. Finished setting up the box for the meat chicks and took myself off to Harbro for chick crumbs and a spare bulb for the heat lamps. I have two lamps on while they are tiny – just in case a bulb blows. It happened once and we lost a few because they crushed into the corner of the box to keep warm.

The steers at East Pitkerro needed hay and bedding so we turned them out. Boy, were they happy. Tomorrow we’ll have to move them to the right field but for today, they can just tear around and get the tickle out of their feet.

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