
February 2017RSS feed

Scotmoves / Vaccination prep / Boundaries / Grants

Monday 6 February, 2017

by Rosemary at 11:43am in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 30th January

Cold, cold this morning. Was up at four, wakened by the barking of foxes – and suddenly realized I hadn’t shut the pophole for the caravan hens. All well but there were three foxes – very noisy. Guess it must be the mating season.

Paperwork day today – got to use the new Scotmoves system for cattle.

Vertigo / Pig pen fence / Conference / Poultry

Thursday 23 February, 2017

by Rosemary at 8:37pm in Smallholding 1 comment Comments closed

Saturday 11th February

Not much of a blog this week as we’ve been away for a few days with our daughter. All seemed to go fine while we were away.

Paul started preparations for the “classroom” today. We need a better name for it. I call it the Man Cave but that’s no good either.

Dan moved the caravan hens this morning. The good news is that the Avian Flu “lock down” is being relaxed from 28th February so the hens should get back out then.

Hens moving / Hay bell / Feed store clean / Escaped steer

Monday 27 February, 2017

by Rosemary at 12:29pm in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 20th

What a beautiful spring day. Decided to check the electric fence in the ponies’ field – it was working.

Pressure washed the perches and ladders from the brown and green henhouses and sprayed both houses with disinfectant.

After dark, did paperwork and the conference clear down, writing up notes for next year.

Tuesday 21st

Not so nice today – grey, colder and windy.

Don’t know what happened in Sheepfold last night but the electric tape protecting the wall was broken this morning and Smokey and Bug were dead spooky. Lucy was fine.

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