
May 2020RSS feed

Kit / Ponies / Cake

Monday 4 May, 2020

by Rosemary at 6:21pm in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 27th April

Euro was a bit lame this morning, but it was just a stone in his hoof. It’s one of the downsides of having the track resurfaced with type 1. The farrier was out to Smokey, so he had a quick look at Ave and Euro, but said they were fine. Smokey’s feet needed a good trim – never realised he had such tiny feet until I started picking out Euro’s dinner plates.

We had rain! This is good. Dan did his comfrey orders and I sorted out the tags and registration information for the ewe lambs. It needs to be done while we still know who belongs to whom. There’s only seven to register this year.

Calves / Potatoes / Milk

Monday 11 May, 2020

by Rosemary at 8:38pm in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 4th May

So, the cattle are out and very happy they are too. Blizzard is lame again but I can't do anything about it now: once Rosie and Annie have calved, I'll get the trimmer along to do their feet and hopefully the vet to see Blizzard's at the same time.

Dan made up his comfrey orders - it's quite a considerable task every week, but we're not complaining. He's also been germinating peas on damp kitchen roll - definitley the way to do it. I sowed some in pots and had rubbish germination - this way, you know before you plant. He's going to do the runners the same way, for the same reason.

Flies / Shearing / Decade

Tuesday 19 May, 2020

by Rosemary at 3:15pm in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 11th May

Sunny, cool in the wind. The cows have decided that Ace is part of the herd again – they brought the calves round to the field shelter, so I decided they were telling me something and let him out. He was far more interested in grass than girls.

Milked Rosie and Annie then tagged the calves. We planned to ring Albie but failed to find any balls so we’ll get the vet to do the job sometime, but before he gets too big. Bringing them in was a pantomime – the cows aren’t liking the surface of the Triangle and raceway to the barn so that’s a bit of coaxing – then the calves took off across two paddocks – tails in the air like warthogs. After their run, they trotted into the barn no bother – not so sure they’ll be as happy to come in tomorrow.

Rats / Waistcoat / Peas

Tuesday 26 May, 2020

by Rosemary at 7:56pm in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 18th May

We’ve had very welcome rain overnight and it’s a bit cooler. Dan carried on topping Laing’s Field. I started to plant out tomatoes in the polytunnel but didn’t get it finished. Then we sat in the sun and drank wine. Because it's Monday.

Tuesday 19th May

I have become “Envelope writer in chief”. Dan sells comfrey root and crowns via Dalmore Coft and my job is to address the envelopes, using my best handwriting. One customer, who phoned with a query, said how neat it was. I felt very pleased; it was like being six years old again.

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