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Collision / "Ermintrude" / Harvest

Monday 26 August, 2024

by Rosemary at 9:49am in Smallholding 0 comments Add your own

Tuesday 20th August

Home again. Thoroughly enjoyed spending some time with family; it’s been too long, and I hope they feel the same.

The trip didn’t quite go as planned after a camper van ran into the back of me in queuing traffic on the M6 on Sunday. Thankfully no-one hurt and our car is driveable, but a bit scary. Now to sort out the insurance.

I had a lovely breakfast in the Westminster Tea Rooms, on Lord Street (Southport) – all dark wood, 1920s music, silver teapot and strainer, and waitresses in black and white. Highly recommend.

Peas, Berries, Gages and a Bunny Belly

Thursday 22 August, 2024

by Rosemary at 6:01pm in Smallholding 1 comment Add your own

Monday 12th August

Very oppressive and stormy first thing; the ponies were all spooky. Rain started in earnest maybe 9am and kept up until about noon, with some heavy peals of thunder. So we all had a relaxing morning. Well, the dogs weren’t THAT relaxed.

petsCooper, Diesel and Gwenna, snoozing.

By 2pm, it was roasting. No visible sun, but so warm and humid. We did some housework – well, it needed doing – and some paperwork.

Summer bounty

Monday 12 August, 2024

by Rosemary at 3:04pm in Smallholding 1 comment Add your own

Monday 5th August

We’ve had a good fall of rain overnight and that’s continued into morning. Dan and Murdo took a load of rubbish to the skips first thing, then moved the fencing materials for the new fence in Home, into position. The hedging plants are ordered, so the fence needs to be up before they arrive in November.

It’s been quite overcast and I’ve felt really tired today. It’s quite oppressive. I think if Murdo hadn’t been here today, Dan would have been asleep too.

First harvest

Monday 5 August, 2024

by Rosemary at 11:45am in Smallholding 0 comments Add your own

Monday 29th July

Dan and I measured Mickey’s feet today, took lots of photos, in preparation for ordering his boots.

I started muck tea; I’ll let it soak until tomorrow. Then I weeded the polytunnel; with so much planting, t’s impossible to get to the outside edges, but I pulled the worst I could see. I’m loving having the calendula and basil – loads of insects.

Dan cut comfrey in the fruit garden and I put some weedkiller on the path; we bought pebbles to resurface it years ago, but the brick edges now need reset, so that will have to happen first before we put in the pebbles. The cut comfrey will make next year's comfrey tea.

Summer, Sweet corn, Seedlings

Sunday 28 July, 2024

by Rosemary at 8:11pm in Smallholding 0 comments Add your own

Monday 22nd July

Bit drizzly this morning. Dan went off for a run (Why?) with some of the blokes he plays football with.

Alistair took a second blood sample from Mickey yesterday, to see if the Prascend is working at the current dose. Mix is a terrible tenderfoot, so I’m going to get him some boots – slippers – for when he’s in on the track. It is a rough surface, right enough.

Favourite flowers? I love the catanache with the candytuft. And the salvia. Not loving the penstemon, but it's in the wrong place.

Roses, raspberries, and redcurrants

Monday 22 July, 2024

by Rosemary at 7:46am in Smallholding 1 comment Add your own

Monday 15th July

I was dreaming that Dan had given me a big choux bun filled with chocolate mousse; I was just about to take a bite and my alarm went off. Happy birthday to me lol

Today is St Swithin’s Day; whatever the weather shall be today, so it shall remain for 40 days. Mild; close and a bit muggy.

Cooper was “playing” with the hens again today. Maybe we need a big, feisty cockerel. He also helped me to hang out the washing.

CooperCooper, helping.

Good living and sleepy pups

Monday 15 July, 2024

by Rosemary at 8:53am in Smallholding 1 comment Add your own

Monday 8th July

Cool but sunny start to the week. As the day progressed, it got pretty warm. Hot, even. Better enjoy it as rain is forecast for the rest of the week.

Planned to spend as much time outside as possible before things really get away from me. I have a Zoom call every evening this week, on a variety of topics and I do need to do some Festival work.

I thought I’d start this week’s diary with an update on the vegetable garden. As always, some things are doing well. Some not so well.

Election / Paths / Beds

Monday 8 July, 2024

by Rosemary at 6:02am in Smallholding 1 comment Add your own

W/e Sunday 7th July

Mixed weather; it would be warm for winter but it’s not warm for summer. Wednesday, downright cold in the morning, after overnight rain, but warming up and getting windy in the afternoon.

Dan’s been busy cutting grass, cutting down rogue trees (for path edging and pegs in the front garden). We bought twelve alpines last week, so they have been planted in the stumpery.

I’ve been busy with election stuff.

Thursday 4th July

Incredibly windy, cold in the morning. Incredibly windy, warm in the afternoon.

Double birthday / Weaning / Topping

Monday 1 July, 2024

by Rosemary at 9:47am in Smallholding 1 comment Add your own

W/e Sunday 30th June

Short entry this week; weather changeable, warm, cool, wet, windy

On Monday 24th, after the Highland Show, Alistair weaned the lambs and took them home, but added the gimmers to the ewes, leaving us 24 sheep. They’re in Home, browsing happily. Most, but not all of them will go to the tup later in the year.

sheepEwes and gimmers.

Royal Highland Show

Monday 24 June, 2024

by Rosemary at 8:42am in Smallholding 0 comments Add your own

Monday 17th June

Found the tap in Sheepfold broken this morning; it wouldn’t turn off. Dan soon had it sorted though.

I’m taking part in a survey of omnivores for Nourish and I have to keep a food diary.  Dan made his special lentil and bacon soup. Delicious. I could eat it every day.

We weighed the kittens, because I need to pick up their wormer / flea spot on tomorrow. Dot is 3.4kg and Cooper is 4.9kg.

Dan collected Mickey’s Prascend from the vet; I gave him it in a bit of wholemeal pitta with a smear of Marmite. Seemed to work and be enjoyed. Turned them out into Far Top tonight – long grass, so less sugar. They were very happy. It looks like prairie. With rushes.

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