Snow / Bonfires / Escapes
Monday 4 December, 2023
Monday 27th November
We’ve got real November weather now - cold and damp, light and heavy rain showers. Thank goodness for wood burners.
Still, at least it’s cold enough to worm the ponies. Ashley did Gracie yesterday afternoon and I did Smokey this morning, before he had his breakfast. He was very good – which was great, because it was double dose Strongid P, so I had to do it twice.
Started to clear up at the back door, ready for the Winterfest display. Didn’t get it all done – Dan’s going to make me a new shelf, because the old one is mostly rotten.
Shingle bells!
Monday 11 December, 2023
Monday 4th December
Woke to heavy rain. The snow is now all but gone; it’s windy, cold and wet.
Well, that'll be the snow gone.
Dan and I had a walk up the orchard and pig pen as was. A friend of his is semi-retired so he’s offered to work for Dan for maybe a day a week (I hope he has good waterproofs) so their joint project is to take down the internal fences in the orchard and the pig pen, and replant with native trees where there are gaps. We’re also putting in 100m of native hedging along the far end of Home, for wildlife but also to screen the builder’s yard next door, so that strip needs to be fenced.
Festive preparations!
Monday 18 December, 2023
Monday 11th December
Dan took an hour off in daylight to manure the beds in the polytunnel that will have corn and squash next season and start to put manure on the raspberries and blueberries.
Manured polytunnel.
I’m still feeling a bit sore but much better, so walked the dogs and got soaked. How much more rain can we get? I don’t think I’ve ever seen it this wet.
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