Panda is born / Swarm / Shearing
Monday 5 June, 2017
Monday 22nd May
Been a bit showery today, which is good.
Had a spectacular fall today while moving the cheeps – the rope broke just as I heaved on it. I must have gone down like I’d been poleaxed. Bit of a sore shoulder but mainly humiliation.
Firmed up for shearing on Thursday. It’s a good forecast for the rest of the week, so the fleeces should be good and dry.
Ordered a third wool bag and sealing tags. And Clik. Then “found” a full bottle of Crovect in the cupboard.
Milking / Camembert / Open Farm Sunday / Sky corgi
Friday 9 June, 2017
Monday 29th May
It’s been a showery day.
Annie and Panda are still in a seperate paddock from the others but I’ll let them through tomorrow. Panda has been up and about. She’s small but very active and Ace is fascinated.
She’s brindle and white but I guess she’ll go black as her mum did.
Read more on Milking / Camembert / Open Farm Sunday / Sky corgi
Meet Paddy / Courses / New queen bee
Wednesday 14 June, 2017
Monday 5th June
It’s been wet today. Did I really complain about the lack of rain last month?
Ace has been “babysitting” Panda.
Tuesday 6th June
Just more rain, and more rain. And wind.
I replaced Annie’s missing ear tag this morning – easy, as there was already a hole.
Wednesday 7th June
Looks like autumn here. So many leaves and branches blown off the trees. It’s still windy but the weather is improving. Not quite flaming June though.
Farewell Felix / Paddy / Beer / Beach rugby
Friday 23 June, 2017
Monday 12th June
Dry, sunny and windy today.
Got a message today from Bryn’s breeder confirming that Bryn’s mum is in pup to his dad, with the puppies due around 26th June. Fingers crossed that all goes well and we get a wee sister for Bryn.
Bryn himself was at the vet today with Bertie and Felix for their annual check up and boosters.
Milking was “cowboy style” this morning as Blizzard’s hormones are clearly driving Ace to distraction and he’s continually trying to jump her. Hope it all calms down soon.
Cattle moves / RHS & RBST / Cordial / Strawbs
Wednesday 28 June, 2017
Monday 19th June
Hot again, and windy until teatime. Dan’s off to London until tomorrow night, doing proper grown-up work.
Good milking this morning; Blizzard much more settled but with Paul and Gemma on holiday, we have a milk lake.
Pigs are happy about that though.
Tuesday 20th June
Bit cooler this morning but hot again this afternoon. Rain forecast for tomorrow.
John topped another two paddocks this morning – only one to do once the cows come out of it.
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