Hay / Rain / Pigs
Monday 5 October, 2020
Monday 28th September
Cloudy and cool but not frosty. Up at 5am. Wide awake; made scones. Dougie the Plasterer is here to do the byre – should be done tomorrow, then three days to dry before paint.
Bertie helped me in the office.
Bertie, helping.
Tuesday 29th September
Lovely day – better enjoy it because it’s to break later in the week.
Rain / Steers / A&E
Wednesday 14 October, 2020
Monday 5th October
Nice day, but showery and the flood waters are receding. Went shopping, dropped off Lorna’s birthday cake and gifts, spent the rest of the morning in the office. Dan was up at dawn and did some more painting in the byre.
Wormed the ponies and took them for a walk.
Tuesday 6th October
Lovely day with ninja showers. Another coat of paint on the byre walls. Started Smokey on his new meds. Fingers crossed.
Cake / Pears / Byre
Tuesday 20 October, 2020
Monday 12th October
Wet and miserable. And so is the weather. Foot bruised and swollen. Managed to make mincemeat cookies though. Spoke to Stuart, our butcher, and booked the steers into Shotts for next Monday. We’ll need help to load them. Well, Dan will. I’ll just be sitting watching.
Tuesday 13th October
Woke at 5am to heavy rain. Not what I want as we’re still hoping to get the wildflower seeds drilled this autumn. Had a bit of a meltdown. Poor Dan’s having it all to do. My foot is worse this morning – Dan said it would be worse today then would start getting better. As usual, I had unrealistic expectations of my old body.
Nugget / Festival / Blizzard
Monday 26 October, 2020
Monday 19th October
Wet, really pretty wet.
Well, the loading and transfer of the steers couldn’t have gone any more smoothly. I sat in the car – Dan and Tara did the work.
Spent most of the day on Shetland cattle stuff or Festival stuff. Less than a week to go to the Festival – Dan’s put in so much work. We’ll both be glad when it’s over.
My 2121 Diary. Hope it has fewer scorings out than the 2020 one.
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