Garlic bread / Calves / Treasure
Thursday 8 June, 2023
Monday 29th May
Office day, mainly. Dropped the car at the garage for its MOT with more than a little trepidation, but it passed first time. Bills paid, spread sheets updated, website diary done. Not bad considering TBDG (that bloody dog, Gwenna) had me up at 4.30am. Let the dogs out, let the hens down, fed the wild birds and Penfold, then fed the dogs. Took a cup of tea back to bed – at 7.30am, when the alarm went off, my eyes were glued shut. Gwenna, was back in HER bed by 5am, and sound asleep.
Sweet Peas / Potting Shed / Escaped calves
Monday 12 June, 2023
Monday 5th June
Summer seems to have moved on – it’s cold, well 12C, and dry. Grass has stopped growing or is growing imperceptibly slowly.
Rebecca and I walked the ponies out this evening. Heard Tree Sparrow and Reed Bunting, as well as Blackbird, Wren and Robin.
Tuesday 6th June
The polytunnel is filling up; we’re getting a couple of handfuls of strawberries every day and the sweet peas are starting to flower.
Doors / Docks / Rain
Monday 19 June, 2023
Monday 12th June
Rain early this morning, and then warm sun so hopefully the grass will get a bit of a boost.
Dan spent an hour in the sunken garden. Found a pipe. Don’t know where it goes or what it’s for, so we shall leave it undisturbed.
Office day and a Zoom call, then a meeting in Arbroath in the evening. My head’s a bit all over the place – I received a message from the son of an old friend to say that his sister, her daughter, had died. L was thirty-eight years old and she leaves a seven-year-old daughter. I’ve known the family since the late 1990s and they are the best and nicest people. Funeral is tomorrow. Dan and I will go. L was so full of life and joy and adored her daughter; she was a talented singer and dancer; she could probably have been a professional but chose instead to become a teacher. She sang at our wedding – “One hand, one heart” from “West Side Story” and “Secret Love” from “Calamity Jane”. She will be so missed. A light has gone out.
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