Archie / Blueberries / Silage
Monday 5 August, 2019
Monday 29th July
Warm and overcast; really humid. Woke up to the calves bawling; there had been a fence breakthrough between Near Top and Home. It was always a weak bit of fence – in fact, we’ve never replaced it. Persuading them to go back was fun – Ace met the pigs and that made him very excited. We had arranged for the vet to come out to jag the cows with Prosolvin, castrate Archie and BVD test the calves. He came early, just after 10am, which was good as it gave me less time to worry about it. I’m really enjoying watching “This Farming Life” – and realising it’s not just us.
Rain / Black Blues / Barn
Monday 12 August, 2019
Monday 5th August
Heavy rain overnight, but still warm; more rain during the day. Took the two cull ewes to the abattoir and saw the new tannery – we wish the bloke every success. We’ll certainly use him.
Our three black Bluefaced Leicester ewe lambs arrived today – goodness, they’re skittish. Not sure about the pre-chosen names of Roo, Kanga and Priscilla. This needs further consideration. They are very beautiful.
Brassicas / Brambles / Wellies
Monday 19 August, 2019
Monday 12th August
Dry and sunny with a breeze – good fro drying up soggy soil, I hope. Dan cut the grass and checked the bees. The nuc is now queenless so will die out over the next few weeks.
The brambles Dan planted in the orchard are doing well.
I got into the vegetable garden; weeded the leeks, which have all taken well, and the runners, lifted shallots and some beetroot, picked peas and some blueberries. Then into the polytunnel to weed where thee are no tomatoes, cucumbers of squash; pulled out the peas and beans, which are done now.
Autumn / Apples / Sunshine
Monday 26 August, 2019
Monday 19th August
Mixed bag of weather – warm and sunny, showery and windy. Office day but managed to get out into the veg garden to pick peas and courgettes and blueberries. Dan and Paul lifted the potatoes before the blight strikes.
Tuesday 20th August
Still standing water in Laing’s Field, but it’s dropping slowly. Spent an hour pulling ragwort; that’s three sides of the field done.
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