
October 2016RSS feed

Lambs away; Holiday to Skye

Monday 10 October, 2016

by Rosemary at 7:18pm in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 26th September

Well, that’s our four cull ewes and six tup lambs safely delivered to the abattoir. They all loaded without incident and we unloaded them an hour later into a straw bedded pen with an automatic drinker. It was all very calm. All abattoirs should be like this. 

Got the paperwork up to date and that’s us down to sixteen sheep for the next 12 months.

It was lovely this morning – cool but sunny. By mid afternoon, grey and rainy. Still shouldn’t complain. There’s so much grass at our rented grazing. We’ll take the ewe lambs, Niamh and Teddy up on Wednesday, I think.

Lamb and mutton; Odd cuts; Apple juice; Garden Cottage

Monday 17 October, 2016

by Rosemary at 11:30am in Smallholding 3 comments Comments closed

Monday 10th October

Well, that’s the paperwork caught up from the holiday. Been to the post office, the bank, the skip and the laundry, then fed the steers at Astwood (softening Hamish up for loading at the weekend).

Dan has cut the grass, since it’s been another lovely day. Hopefully, this will be the last cut of the lawns – but if the grass in the fields could keep growing, that would be good.

I finished weeding the house flower beds and cut back about half of the roses.

Cattle and pigs away; mittens and yarn; possible orf

Monday 24 October, 2016

by Rosemary at 11:37am in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 17th October

So the pigs and the cattle are away. The pigs loaded a treat; we put them into our trailer when we fed them this morning then transferred them to the haulier’s wagon about 10am.

The cattle were a bit more challenging to load; Mak would have loaded no problem but Hamish was less keen. I think I’ll have a bruise on my leg and my right big toe, where Mak stood on it. Still, all done with not too much angst. Can’t say I enjoy it – felt a bid sad so kept busy with “pottering” type jobs this morning.

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