Farewell to Winnie and Paddy / Scotland the Bread flour
Monday 4 December, 2017
Monday 27th November
Nice morning but cloudy at lunchtime and with a rising wind.
Did the usual bill paying and paperwork then made mincemeat. Christmas is coming!
Tuesday 28th November
Mild and sunny today. Put a halter on Paddy, our steer calf, today for the first time.
Paddy and Blizzard.
Read more on Farewell to Winnie and Paddy / Scotland the Bread flour
Rugby / Beef / Green raddle / Sycamore
Tuesday 5 December, 2017
Monday 20th November
Very wet this morning – must have been a lot of rain overnight – and it’s been pretty persistent all day, although it’s not hugely cold. So glad that we managed to get the cattle in over the weekend.
Lucy bagged the best spot in the field shelter.
Lucy, boss equine.
Meet Tom / Scotland the Bread / Cold snap
Monday 11 December, 2017
Monday 4th December
Not a bad day – mild but a bit raw by nightfall. Received some photos of Winnie and Paddy looking quite content.
Did the routine paperwork in front of the woodburner.
Started a mix for Christmas cake – this is going to be mini cakes for the Solstice gathering.
Made cottage pie for dinner- so good to have mince again.
Dan’s made fab bread with the new flour.
Scotland the Bread Hunter's Flour boules.
Meet Tom / Meet Whyte & Mackay / Boot room
Monday 18 December, 2017
Monday 11th December
Not much diary this week unless Dan writes it as I’m off to for a wee break with our daughter.
While I'm away Dan's redecorating our 'boot room' - the unheated room at our back door where dirty boots, wet clothes etc have always been taken off and stored.
Boot room before.
The terracotta floor was never properly sealed and it's filthy!
Solstice / Deer / Byre / Hay / Sick sheep
Monday 25 December, 2017
Monday 18th December
A bit milder today but the ground (and the water) is still frozen.
Got a message to say that one of our ewes had got her head stuck in the licky bucket – the handle over the back of her head. But just as we arrived, we got another message to say she was fine. Still, gave me the chance to check the licks – one was almost finished so I opened up the new one – and cut the handle to prevent a repeat.
Tom’s more relaxed today – happy to have lots of strokes, with lots of purring. He’s eating well and using his litter tray.
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