Sunshine / Cows / Broken PTO
Monday 7 June, 2021
Monday 31st May
First job this morning was to dose the lambs with white wormer to protect them against Nematodirus; the NADIS report said we were a red area.
I rode Smokey. Actually put on the saddle and bridle and rode him in the field. I think he was a bit surprised. So was I.
Tuesday 1st June
Dan started topping Laing’s Field. It takes about four hours, so he’ll do an hour after work until it’s done.
Tara and I took the ponies for a walk.
Flowers / Calves / Lambs
Monday 14 June, 2021
Monday 7th June
Another glorious day. Had a cheeky wee smallholder’s lie-in, then took our daughter swimming. Then some paperwork. How can it be a month since the last credit card bill came in? But it is.
Dan and I had a happy hour weeding in the veg garden before dinner. Three of the four transplanted blueberries have survived he move. Mixed blessing as their expected demise would have given me space for loganberries and tayberries. I’ll find a space somewhere.
Blizzard / Tests / Topping
Monday 21 June, 2021
Monday 14th June
Quite a lot of rain overnight, which is welcome. Just pottered about today until the footie at 2pm.
Tuesday 15th June
Dry, sunny, breezy.
Well, this is a blow. Contacted the vet about the results from the cattle blood tests. All cattle clear for everything - IBR, Lepto, Neospora and Johne's except we have an inconclusive test for Johne’s from Blizzard. Not quite sure yet what the consequences are – there will be a retest. Feeling gutted. In touch with our vet and reading up. Can’t believe she’s got it – she’s probably a condition score 4 and is carrying her tenth calf in ten years.
Sea / Grass / Rocky
Monday 28 June, 2021
Monday 21st June
I’ve organised for the vet to come an take a second blood sample from Blizzard a week tomorrow; he’ll take samples from the two calves for BVD too.
Office stuff and weeding.
Tuesday 22nd June
Ace and Annie seem a bit loved up. She calved 26th April, so she could well be in season. I didn’t see her served though. Just need to keep an eye out in 17 days or so.
Lorna and I had a walk along Carnoustie sea front. Very blessed.
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