Workshop / Pullets / Zephyr
Monday 6 May, 2019
Monday 29th April
Cool and grey in the morning but getting sunny and warm. It was Bryn’s 4th birthday today – where does the time go? He had tuna for dinner as a treat.
Vet came out to give Leo his second tetanus, so that’s him up to date and he doesn’t need another one for 13 months.
Tuesday 30th April
Delivered a talk at a local primary school on farming. One cheeky wee B, but he wasn’t for long. Caught up with some paperwork. Wrote a shopping list, which lead into a good tidy up of the pantry and a defrost of the kitchen freezer.
Archie / Bees / Pears
Monday 13 May, 2019
Monday 6th May
Lovely warm, sunny day. Dan got into the bees – all hives have queen cells, so he’ll have to take anti-swarming action this week. He also did some weeding in the apiary – loads of thistles – and started to harrow Laing’s Field.
Busy hive.
I weeded the strawberries – loads of couch –and sowed seeds – Parsnip Tender and True, Swede Ruby and Joan, Cornflower Polka Dot,Gypsophila Monarch White, Nigella Persian Jewel and Larkspur Dwarf Double Mixed.
Annie / Cream / Dahlias
Sunday 19 May, 2019
Monday 13th May
Another nice day. Milked Annie for the first time this lactation and Rosie for the first time since Archie was born; both were very good. Got about 15 litres from Annie, but in a few days she’ll start feeding the calf before milking.
Annie's first milking.
I need to put some electric fence in Near Ditch to stop the cattle going on there after milking. Added to list.
Scything / Fox / Shearing
Monday 27 May, 2019
Monday 20th May
As usual, Monday is paperwork day. With it being the start of the new financial year and with the business reorganisation we’ve done, the systems are just settling down. I will admit to finding this quite stressful. I also seem to have done something weird to the spreadsheets we use while transferring them to the new year. Dan is not best pleased at having to sort them out. Again.
Shearing is arranged for Friday afternoon. The ewes are peching.
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