
October 2018RSS feed

Lambs / Pigs / Manure

Monday 1 October, 2018

by Rosemary at 12:23pm in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 24 September

What fantastic weather for this time of year. Long may it continue – makes the winter feel much shorter.

Took six tup lambs to the abattoir this morning. Not my favourite job.

Electrician was here putting up a new light beside the outside WC

Tuesday 25 September

Spent most of the day doing Festival and Smallholding Scotland stuff.

Blizzard is still milking well.

blizzBlizzard, my best girl.

Plums / Rocky / Honey

Monday 8 October, 2018

by Rosemary at 12:34pm in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 1 October

It’s raining. It’s now over two months since Blizz had her dead calf and I haven’t seen her come into season yet. Unless Ace has changed his technique – he’s usually pretty obvious in his courtship – she’s not been bulling. Not worried – yet. She’s still giving about 20 litres a day – it’s been pretty constant since day one. With the pigs away, we’re kind of coming down with milk. Dan’s planning to start making more cheese.

Pork / Mats / Steers

Monday 15 October, 2018

by Rosemary at 12:46pm in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 8 October

Wet and miserable, but at least the wind’s dropped and it very mild. Did the weekly paperwork and finalized the arrangements for the pigs and the lamb coming back.

Blizzard has a sore foot – near fore – but she let me clean it and spray it with AB  and it seems a bit better.

Urquhart is looking lovelorn. He’s spending a lot of time gazing through the fence at the ewes, who are two fields away. They are not gazing back.

Sheep / Mats / Weaving

Monday 22 October, 2018

by Rosemary at 1:13pm in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 15 October

Lovely and sunny today but it’s paperwork day, so was inside looking out. Also had loads of Festival stuff to do.

Took Diesel to the vet for his annual check up – clean bill of health.

Had a RHET premeeting for a school visit next week. Gave a talk at Auchterhouse SWI – lovely evening.

Tuesday 16 October

Did more Festival stuff. Why don’t folk reply to emails, even to say “no”?

Seed order arrrived


Monday 29 October, 2018

by Rosemary at 1:25pm in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 22 October

Sunny, warm but with a rising wind. Time taken with Festival work. It’ll be like this for most of the week.

Tuesday 23 October

Sunny, mild and windy. More Festival stuff.

Wednesday 24 October

Sunny and the wind has dropped a bit. Sadly we had to have Bug put to sleep today. He was awful sore this morning and was reluctant to walk. Lucy, our vet, was terrific. We had discussed this a couple of weeks ago and I guess she wasn’t surprised to get the call. It was very peaceful. We will miss him hugely – he was such a character. Lucy thought that perhaps his kidneys were failing as his blood pressure was very low, so I think we made a timely decision. She was saying how having limited or painful mobility is psychologically very stressful for horses, being flight animals. Anyway, he’s at peace now.

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