
December 2015RSS feed


Monday 7 December, 2015

by Rosemary Champion at 11:35am in Smallholding Comments closed

The weather and Storm Desmond have dominated the last week. To be honest, we’ve missed the worst of it here – yes, it’s been wet and windy but nothing compared to Cumbria and other areas of Scotland.  There’s quite a lot is standing water in the fields and there’s an ominous bulge in the roof of one of the henhouses – and the roof of the outside WC is leaking – but by and large, it’s not been too bad.

After picking up Fraser, our new steer, last Saturday, I had to do the movement on to our holding. I find CTS On-line pretty easy to use so long as you do the movements within the three day time limit. If you do it later, you get a telling off from the system. Maybe you get a black mark on your records as well L

Nearly the Solstice

Monday 14 December, 2015

by Rosemary Champion at 12:33pm in Smallholding Comments closed

Only ten days to the Winter Solstice, then the days will start to lengthen. I know not by much, but in the words of a well-known retailer, every little helps J. Our weather continues changeable – temperatures from -1C to +11C; still pretty windy some days and some heavy rain but I guess it’s December in Scotland.  Yesterday (Sunday) was the coldest day we’ve had this winter, with a heavy frost that didn’t lift all day, but the morning was sunny and with no wind, it was lovely to be working about outside.

Happy Solstice

Tuesday 22 December, 2015

by Rosemary Champion at 12:36pm in Smallholding 4 comments Comments closed

So the year turns; we’re past the shortest day and looking forward to the return of the sun. All of us here at Dalmore wish you a peaceful, healthy and happy year ahead.

Our weather hasn’t been too bad – very mixed but not much rain and the ditches are well down. The ewes and hoggs are getting hay every morning now and are getting keener. We’ve got three wheeled and covered hay racks out so there’s plenty room for all of them to feed at the same time. The field they’re in is the driest and there’s plenty natural shelter for them. Our scanner’s got us “in the book” so I can cross that off the list and just wait for her to contact me.

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