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Fencing 2012

Saturday 17 December, 2011

by Rosemary at 7:04pm in Fencing Comments closed

Dan, John and I walked the fences this afternoon and made a list of what needs to be done next year and what materials we need to buy.

If we can afford it, we'll make one big order for timber as it saves on the delivery costs. With our notes made, I'll be updating the spreadsheet and making up the order for pricing on Monday.

Dan's also told me to prioritise the various fencing jobs - not all that easy, to be honest, and it'll need some thought. Partly it depends on whether any more gets blown down by passing hurricanes. sad

More fencing

Sunday 25 September, 2011

by Rosemary at 3:06pm in Fencing Comments closed

Since we moved here, we've had to do quite a lot of fencing - some new, to make small paddocks and some to replace existing fence that's past it's best before date.

This weekend, Dan and John started on a 50m or so stretch in the Near Ditch paddock. This is where the old muck heaps were and where the caravan and the new septic tank are. The muck heaps were removed when the tank was put in, so the new fence will form part of the boundary of John and Linda's garden. We're also fencing round the septic tank to keep livestock off it.

Sheepfold fencing

Monday 18 April, 2011

by Rosemary at 12:33pm in Fencing Comments closed

The fencing in Sheepfold, our two acre field, was probably the worst on the property. It's a triangular field, with a wall on the short side. We renovated the south fence last year - removed all the rotten posts and rails and generally tidied it up.

The fence on the north side was pretty grim too. It's 170m long, roughly, and constructed from high posts about 5-6ft, with three rails plus single wires. On top of the bottom two rails and wires, hexagonal wire has been stapled on. Needless to say, that has broken down and some of the posts and rails are rotten. It looked like the Clampett's.

How long does a job take?

Saturday 19 March, 2011

by Rosemary at 8:45pm in Fencing Comments closed

I think the best way to estimate it is to work out how long you think it will take, then double it.

The fence in Five Acre Field is finished!!! Only the enclosure at the field shelter to finish in the morning and the heifers can go out. Hope it's a nice day tomorrow. The ponies are on the track in Sheepfold, much to their disgust, and the ewes will be in the south half of Five Acre, out of the way. I don't want them upset this close to lambing.

Strainers in

More fencing

Friday 11 March, 2011

by Rosemary at 8:32pm in Fencing Comments closed

Dan and John finished the second strainer in Five Acre this afternoon. The wind dropped a bit but it was still pretty cold.

Yesterday, they dug the hole in the wrong place so it was too big, so lots of stone tamped down finally secured it. The brace is in as well, so tomorrow (weather permitting), they are going to do the bottom wire and the stock net, and the top wire and the gate IF I get to the local farm store in the morning.

The ponies will have to go into Sheepfold tomorrow, otherwise they'll "help".

Fencing Five Acre Field

Sunday 6 March, 2011

by Rosemary at 5:45pm in Fencing Comments closed

Dan, John and our friend, Steve, started the fence to divide the Five Acre Field yesterday. Steve was showing Dan and John how to do the strainers properly - I think they will be VERY hard to move!

As well as putting in the fence, there are three gates to go in - one in the fence itself and two at the field shelter to create a small handing facility. It's hard to describe so we'll post a bit of video showing it all later this week.

Both gates at the field shelter are now in and John and Dan put in the gatepost for the field gate this morning. Tomorrow, they hope to get the strainer in and the field gate hung. Then it's on to the fence proper. It's not a great forecast for the weather, but hopefully they'll be able to crack on. The fence doesn't make any difference to the drainage work we're having done.

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