The TAS smallholding shop lists the most useful and commonly required products you are likely to need around your smallholding. We do not sell these products directly - instead we compare the prices from the most popular and competitively priced smallholding, gardening, pet and other websites to help you find the cheapest smallholding supplies.
- Poultry
- Pigs
- Sheep
- Cattle
- Goats
- Camelids
- Cats & Dogs
- Fruit & Veg
- Garden
- Equine
- Tools & Equipment
- Smallholding
- Electric Fencing
- Wild Birds
Can't find what you're looking for?
If you cannot find the product you are looking for please contact us and we will normally add it to the site within 24 hours and email you with the lowest price.
TAS badges and t-shirts
We have TAS t-shirts and badges for sale. They are a great way to identify other TAS members at shows, sales and down the pub!
Smallholding books
Choosing and Keeping Ducks and Geese Liz Wright | Vegetable Growing Month-by-month John Harrison | New Covent Garden Book of Soup and Beyond: Soups, Beans and Other Things New Covent Garden Soup Company | First Steps in Winemaking C.J.J. Berry | Successful Smallholding: Planning, Starting and Managing Your Enterprise J.C.Jeremy Hobson |