
October 2021RSS feed

Bantams / Grass / Repairs

Monday 4 October, 2021

by Rosemary at 10:40am in Agriculture Comments closed

Monday 20th September

Off on holiday. Back Friday.

Friday 24th September

Home again!

Dan had to put Sheldon down this morning; he’d been damaged in the fox attack but seemed to have recovered reasonably well, but he was getting weaker and it was the right thing to do to let him go.

Dan has also made a start on clearing the sunken garden. We’ve been here before, so I’m not holding my breath.

gardenSunken garden.

Pumpkins / Gracie / Blizzard's calf

Monday 11 October, 2021

by Rosemary at 4:16pm in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 4th October

Lovely morning; no calf yet. I’ll do a 2am check now until she’s calved.

A few showers in the afternoon. Started giving he hens soaked corn in the afternoon. Audrey and Dusty went to bed on their own for the first time.

Tuesday 5th October

Still no calf.

Wednesday 6th October

No calf. Horrible wet night forecast, so brought the cows in. Saves my jammies getting wet on the night-time checks. They can go out during the day though.

Buster / Frost / Festival

Monday 25 October, 2021

by Rosemary at 4:38pm in Smallholding Comments closed

Tuesday 12th October

After yesterday’s events, we’re just chillin’.  But it was a nice day, so Blizzard and her new calf re-joined the herd. He'll be registered as Rosedean Braw (in keeping with our weather theme - Braw ina New Guinean wind and it being a B year) bu has been given the pet name, Buster.

babyBaby meets Buster.

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