
August 2017RSS feed

Flies / Kitchen purge / Ace home / Barn planning

Monday 14 August, 2017

by Rosemary at 3:48pm in Smallholding 1 comment Comments closed

Monday 24th July

Full sun today – feels like summer.

Annie has a couple of really sore teats and the flies are horrendous. That led to contaminated milk today, so the pigs will have a good tea tonight. Really annoying though.

Vaccinated the three calves with Bravoxin 10 and put Spot-On on the three cows, Winnie and the three calves.

Need to find a way of eliminating the fly problem at milking.

Tuesday 25th July

Indulged in some retail therapy and bought an Eazyzap fly killer.

Lammas / Apiary Renovation / Bees to Heather / Pickles

Wednesday 16 August, 2017

by Rosemary at 4:43pm in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 31stJuly

Nice day here. Gemma’s been strimming in the orchard, preparing the next paddocks for the poultry.

Poor milking but milked Rosie with the calf suckling – cows are holding up milk, as we were told by Tim Tyne so I have a cunning plan.

Dan took Bryn for a walk to the golf course and got some lovely photos.

Bryn Cardigan Welsh CorgiBryn x

Plums / Grazing / Milking cracked / Wood store started

Tuesday 22 August, 2017

by Rosemary at 9:50am in Smallholding 1 comment Comments closed

Monday 7th August

Dry, sunny and windy today. Got news that we won’t have the grazing at Ravensby any more. That’s a real blow, especially with losing the grazing at Astwood as well. To be honest, my head has been right up my bum today. Didn’t even milk the cows.

We don’t have enough grass at home for the small herd of cattle and small flock of sheep in the numbers we have at the moment so I need to think hard about what we keep and what we sell. It was tears and snotters at the prospect of selling Rosie and Winnie.

Limpy pig / Carnoustie Show / P&K / A2 results

Thursday 24 August, 2017

by Rosemary at 11:12am in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 14th August

More heavy rain showers but thankfully, they aren’t prolonged enough to cause any standing water in the fields. In fact the fields are pretty good.

The contractor arrived today to spread P&K on five of the six paddocks. He had a wee problem with low branches at one of the access gates – his GPS was on the tractor roof.

Spreading P&KSpreading P & K.

Meet Gwenna / Wood store / Apiary / Bertie's tail

Wednesday 30 August, 2017

by Rosemary at 9:49am in Smallholding 6 comments Comments closed

Monday 21st August

Dry today. Paul collected the timber for the wood store and is cracking on with that.

Wood store siteWood store site ready for construction.

Limpy Pig is less limpy but not yet sound.

Popped to Forfar to pick up some feed – I’m having a few days “off” after we pick up the puppy on Friday, so need to be sure that there are sufficient stores in.

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