Try, try again
Wednesday 7 June, 2006
Well, the incubator is on again, with nine eggs this time.
Our last attempt ended in failure. None of the twelve eggs hatched. The six Maran eggs from our friend, Carol, were infertile. Four of our six were fertile but failed to hatch.
At least Henry is doing what we got him for, so the soup pot can be put away for a bit longer.
We think the temperature might have been abit high - the thermometer is really hard to read. However, we think we've sorted it this time.
Watch this space in three weeks or so.
Sweet itch and immunotherapy
Wednesday 7 June, 2006
I can't remember if I've posted on this before, but my horse, Smokey, has a condition called sweet itch. Sweet itch affects around 5% of horses and is a problem with the immune system, which goes into overdrive if the horse is bitten by the Cullicoides midge. Now, I can have some sympathy with this because I get a pretty bad reaction to midge bites compared to, say, Dan. But nothing compared to Smokey and HE doesn't have it that bad, compared to some horses.
Horses with sweet itch will scratch and rub until they are red raw, destroying mane and tail (the most affected areas) in the process. There are lots of potential remedies - some work for some horses and not for others.
Football fever
Friday 9 June, 2006
Don't expect much in the way of activity on the site, from Dan at least, for the next four weeks. You may have heard that the World Cup started today - the prospect of three games each day for the next two weeks is scary.
Still, even as a Scot, I'll be cheering for England. Three lions and all that!
The Orchard
Friday 9 June, 2006
The orchard is supposed to be my responsibility this year but I have to confess, I haven't been awfully diligent. I did start out quite enthusiastic - weeding the bases, top dressing, mulching - but it's kind of tailed off.
Fortunately, Dan has been paying more attention and noticed a heavy aphid infestation on the Victoria plum tree. This has now been treated with derris.
Two trees died over the winter and have been removed. We have one pear tree that looks quite sick but it's getting another chance.
The Monroes TV Show
Wednesday 28 June, 2006
For those of you who responded to my previous entry about a 1960's TV western called "The Monroes", I can confirm that we are NOT suffering from "senior moments" - the show did exist, albeit not for very long.
The only name I recognised was Barbara Hershey,who played Cath. For further information, see:
- The Monroes @
- The Monroes at CTVA
- The Monroes @ The TV IV (with a photo)
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