
July 2020RSS feed

Toscana / Albie / Bunnybelly

Monday 6 July, 2020

by Rosemary at 3:19pm in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 29th June

Pretty changeable today – some heavy showers, some light ones and some sun. And thunderstorms!

Last night there were two wee cucumber plants from the seeds I sowed last week; this morning there was one wee cucumber and a big snail on the second one. More sown and in the propagator.

Dan dried and wrapped the Toscana and started some Lancashire. The five camembert are drying now.

Courgettes / Cordial / Afton

Monday 13 July, 2020

by Rosemary at 9:10am in Smallholding 1 comment Comments closed

Monday 6th July

Lovely sunny day, bit of a breeze – perfect drying weather. Mucked out the barn this morning, then poo picked. Office work after that, then post office with the comfrey orders.

Hung out a washing in the brisk breeze – and the clothes pole snapped. We put in four round wooden poles when we moved here and one has obviously rotted. My clothes line is now reduced by 50%. Dan thinks we have a spare one somewhere. I need a new line anyway, so the drying green will be refurbished.

Picnics / Birthdays / Diesel

Monday 20 July, 2020

by Rosemary at 10:33am in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 13th July

Showery today. Dan did his comfrey orders and I had an office day. I’m determined not to prevaricate about paperwork any more (I know the road to Hell is paved with good intentions).  I took Penfold to vet; bloods taken, will get the results Wednesday. He’s gone form 5.1kg in October to 4.5kg now. That’s quite a lot.

Tuesday 14th July

Punnets for fruit finally arrived; I put some courgettes out for sale. Blackcurrants and gooseberries to follow.  I took Smokey into the field in hand because I didn’t have much time. He was still spooky but started listening and thinking a bit better.

Ragwort / Dahlias / Pears

Monday 27 July, 2020

by Rosemary at 8:34pm in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 20th July

Strange day, weather-wise – sunny with very heavy showers. Still will help the grass grow. Finally got round to picking blackcurrants – put some out for sale and planning to do a bush a day for five days. Any that don’t sell, I’ll freeze. Plenty courgettes coming – and selling a few. Hope to get enough income to pay for this year’s seeds, new strawberries and raspberries.

Tuesday 21st July

Rebecca’s home so we rode this morning to Barry; Smokey was coughing a lot so I got off and walked for a bit, then remounted (with the help of some steps). I’m going to get the vet to have a look at him next week when she’s here anyway.

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