
December 2018RSS feed

Steers / Ponies / Lambs

Monday 3 December, 2018

by Rosemary at 12:46pm in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 26th November

So today was the day that Paulo and Pedro, our 2016 born steers, made their final journey. It was only their second journey – the first being from Dalmore to East Pitkerro, where they have grazed and wintered for two years. It’s always a bit of a wrench to see them go but they’ve had a good life and they’ll supply a good few locals with prime beef with minimum inputs. As usual, we loaded them on to our trailer to take them to the haulier’s wagon – they loaded quietly and calmly both times.

Sheep / Howff / Bonfire

Monday 10 December, 2018

by Rosemary at 1:05pm in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 3rd December

Lovely day – frosty, sunny and still –perfect apart from the water being frozen.

frostyFrosty morning.

Tuesday 4th December.

Hard frost again this morning changing to rain, grey and miserable.

We had a two and a half hour power cut so Dan spent the time tidying cupboards in the classroom, using the head torch. We’ve identified a pile of stuff that’s now surplus so he’s going to put it on eBay / Amazon / Gumtree.

Caravan / Beef / Leo

Monday 17 December, 2018

by Rosemary at 9:14pm in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 10th December

Took Tom to the vet for his dental assessment; he only needed a scale and polish but he’s well in the huff with me. I am persona non grata. Every time he sees me, he dives for cover. Hey ho. Still, he's come a long way in his relationship with the dogs.

tomTom and the dogs - and no hissing.

Almost finished the backlog of diary entries – the process is now well consolidated.

Bread / Salmon / Weaning

Monday 24 December, 2018

by Rosemary at 2:48pm in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 17th December

Cleaned out the green henhouse – managed not to bash my head. It’s a good house but the roof is a really awkward height. The brown house is an adapted shed, so is high enough to stand upright in.

Sorted out the invoices for the beef – we’ve sold seventeen boxes and we’re determined to be well organized this year. Finished sorting out the freezers, ready for tomorrow.

Ross came down with Jenny and Nicki – Jenny goes away to start her formal training on 8th January.

Cushion / Crumpets / Wood

Monday 31 December, 2018

by Rosemary at 12:19pm in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 24th December

Hard frost with temperature -4C at dawn and didn’t go up much all day. Milked all three cows but planning to move to alternate days now, so won’t be milking tomorrow. Put hay in for the cows – a round bale is lasting five or six days.

In anticipation of Christmas, the ponies had a can of “Sweetheart Stout” on their feed. And carrots. Even though they aren’t reindeer.

Dan made bread and wholemeal sourdough crumpets. The bread was delicious; the crumpets were interesting.

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