
November 2012RSS feed

Bugsy aka Houdini

Thursday 15 November, 2012

by Rosemary at 8:25pm in Equines 1 comment Comments closed

When we built the Paddock Paradise, we used two lines of electric wire to form the outside track. This worked fine keeping the ponies on the track but because we run sheep in the field, I felt that the bottom wire was taking a bit of a hammering as they pushed under it.

A couple of weeks ago, we took the top line off and moved the bottom line up to the mid-point between the two original lines. Now, I was pretty sure that it was too low for Bugsy to go under and too high for Smokey and Sheba to go over. Well, I was half right. The big ponies were fine, but Bugsy let himself onto the grass at will.

Some preparation for Winter

Monday 19 November, 2012

by Rosemary at 3:10pm in Poultry 3 comments Comments closed

We’ve had a pretty good spell of weather this month so far so we’ve been enjoying clearing down the vegetable garden in preparation for winter. All the carrots are lifted and stored as are the spuds, so on Saturday, it was time to clear out the chooks.

The latest batch of Hubbards have been free-ranging in the vegetable garden, along with some young Welsummers and their “mums” and the Orpingtons. More Welsummers and the Cream Crested Legbars have been living on the front lawn.

Nemo's been a busy boy

Monday 19 November, 2012

by Rosemary at 3:19pm in Sheep 4 comments Comments closed

Our Coloured Ryeland tup, Lingah Nemo, went out with our eight ewes and three gimmers on 4th November – and the fireworks started on the 5th! By Friday last week, he had served all eleven, so I’m off to change the raddle to green. I do hope we don’t get any green bums.

Tupped Ryeland ewesThe Ryeland yellow bum parade.

In any case, I’m taking him out on the 2nd December. I don’t want to be lambing for longer than four weeks. If they aren’t in lamb by then, too bad. I’ll have them scanned in January so I won’t be feeding empty ewes. I’m going to separate those carrying twins and singles this year again – but will resist the temptation to feed those expecting singles this time round to try and reduce the vet bill.

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