
The Accidental Smallholder is committed to making this website accessible to everyone. We have developed our website following web standards and accessibility guidelines, and aim to meet and where possible exceed level AA of the W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

Text size

The text size on this site is set in a way that makes it resizable in any modern browser, should you find it too small to read comfortably.


Headings are used on each page on the website. They make it easier to read pages by providing visual structure and help people using screen readers and other assistive technologies to navigate the site.


Whenever possible, links have been written to make sense when they are accessed out of the original context. This helps visitors who may use a list of links to move around the site, and all visitors to understand the destination of links.


The content of the site has been written to be readable by as many people as possible. We have tried to use plain language that is jargon-free and easily understandable.

BBC My Web My Way

If you need help in making the web easier to use, including the EmployAbility website, we recommend the BBC’s My Web My Way as a starting point. It provides jargon-free information on how you can change your web browser, computer, keyboard and mouse settings to make the web more accessible for you.

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the accessibility of this site, please contact us.

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Site developed by Champion IS