Mostly cattle; Autumn jobs; Pig pen prep
Thursday 3 November, 2016
Monday 24th October
Been a lot of rain over night. Paperwork day today. Need to get started on the Smallholding Scotland Conference programme this week. The venue’s booked and the catering sorted – just the speakers to arrange now.
Tuesday 25th October
Woke to our first proper frost this morning – had to scrape the car at 10am. To be fair, it was parked in a shaded area.
Popped up to Astwood to check on the lamb with orf and give another spray with Alamycin. The sore bit looks much less angry and I can’t see any sores on any of the other lambs. They were very well behaved and came into the pen no trouble at all.
Cattle movements; Xmas cakes & puddings; Smoking
Tuesday 8 November, 2016
Monday 31st October
Grey and miserable today and so was the weather.
I was bushed after all the travelling to the SCBA AGM. The event itself wasn’t riotous but the travelling was tiring. So chores done and off for a nap :-)
That done, I popped up to apply spray to the lamb with orf – it’s looking better - and marked a lamb that was a bit lame. I’ll see if it clears up in 24 hours – if not, I’ll get her in for a good look.
Read more on Cattle movements; Xmas cakes & puddings; Smoking
Weeding; Baking; Knitting; Cattle
Monday 14 November, 2016
Monday 7th November
Finally got started weeding the veg garden. Did the perennial bed – it’s the easiest because some of the area is taken up by strawberries and comfrey. Pulled out the pea supports and I’m determined to make a start on that bed tomorrow.
Checked the cattle at Astwood and they are all fine. Blizzard is bawling a wee bit. I let her out this morning but she was happy enough to come back into the barn this afternoon.
One Sasso still unable to find her way to bed – her days are numbered (at five, in fact) if she doesn’t get her act together.
The Beef Mountain
Monday 21 November, 2016
Monday 14th November
Today was beef collection day. With two beasts totaling 750kg deadweight, Stuart, our butcher, had told us to bring a trailer as it wouldn’t all fit in the car. Dan was there with trailer at 8am. And we needed it.
It was the worst day for it to be 14C – we would have preferred a hard frost! :-)
Anyway, made up the 20 beef boxes that had been sold; fifteen were being picked up today. The other five went in one of the freezers – then we looked at what was left. And Dan went off to Curry’s to buy a fifth freezer. Anyway, with much pushing and shoving, it all went in a freezer.
Winnies halter / Steak / Sheepskins / Baking
Tuesday 29 November, 2016
Monday 21st November
Had an appointment with the solicitor that acted for the vendor when we bought Dalmore. We have a query about the boundary between our property and the second lot. The solicitor looked about twelve. I do want to trust them. I do.
Tuesday 22nd November
Dry, cold and sunny. Went for lunch in a new café opened by two friends of ours – and very nice it was too.
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