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Rain / Festival / Ashley

Monday 21 October, 2024

by Rosemary at 4:17am in Smallholding 0 comments Add your own

Wednesday 16th October

Heavy rain overnight and through the day, but mild. Dottie has been asleep in her box most of the day, and the boys are through the house. The dogs are outside, but they’re nuts.

No idea where Monday and Tuesday went. Tuesday, Lorna, Linda and I went clothes shopping in Dundee – maybe my brain has shut out the trauma  It was fine – got some clothes for Lorna, which was the objective.

The parts for our car are now not going to be in until 22nd October – that’s over two months since the accident. Hope we have it back to go on holiday.

Autumn / Cleaning / Festival

Monday 14 October, 2024

by Rosemary at 6:22am in Smallholding 0 comments Add your own

Monday 7th October

There’s been a fair bit of rain overnight. I thought I heard thunder in the very early hours, and heavy rain. Still loads of midges though. And it’s very mild. We need a good hard frost to kill the wee b@ggers.

Mickey is resisting taking his Prascend, wee pest. Need to find another method than apple.

Managed to get out in the vegetable garden for an hour or so. Pulled up the runner bean, spinach and rocket, then weeded the bed. We can get most of it covered now. What long roots rocket has. I was driven indoors by the dreaded midges.

Inverness / Diary / Dawn

Monday 7 October, 2024

by Rosemary at 8:24am in Smallholding 0 comments Add your own

So, it’s Thursday and I haven’t written anything in my diary for this week, but here goes.

Monday 30th September

This is easy, because we drove to Newtonmore to visit the Highland Fok Museum – well worth a visit, would recommend. The weather started grey but the cloud broke and we had blue skies and sunshine. Then up to Inverness for a disappointing Indian meal (naan bread out of a packet) and an overnight.

Friends Jeni and Jo were housesitting – a trial run for February, when we go to Gran Canaria.

Cat flap / New planting / Pigeon

Sunday 29 September, 2024

by Rosemary at 7:36pm in Smallholding 0 comments Add your own

Monday 23rd September

Real autumn feel today; cool, overcast. The trees are starting to change in earnest and the ponies’  coats are thickening up.

Spent three hours at our new Indy Hub, then delivered some leaflets. Festival stuff next. Really need to get a shift on.

Dottie caught a pigeon. Don’t know who was more surprised. I thought she might have peaked with butterflies. Cooper killed it.

DottieDottie's pigeo, with Cooper.

Bridge / Equinox / Fires

Monday 23 September, 2024

by Rosemary at 9:36am in Smallholding 3 comments Add your own

Monday 16th September

Beautiful start to the day and the week, with a good forecast for the week that will end with the Autumn Equinox.

Apart from tidying the garden, the next five weeks will be about the Scottish Smallholder Festival. My last one. Hope to make it a good one.

Dottie found a box to sit it. To watch Dan weeding. It’s perfectly Dottie-sized.

DottieDottie's box.

Frost / Harvest / Anniversary

Monday 16 September, 2024

by Rosemary at 9:24am in Smallholding 0 comments Add your own

Monday 9th September

Feels very autumnal now; cool this morning, then warm and sunny, fading to cool, pretty breezy and a bit of drizzle just as I took the dogs out this evening for the “Big Sniff”. They’re out most of the day with us or in the garden, but they do like a daunder along to “The Green” where many local dogs are walked, for a sniff. Gwenna does every blade of grass; Bryn’s more a “sniff, pee and go” dog.

Paperwork first thing, then off to Balgove Farm Shop to meet my good friend, Carol, for lunch and a chance to put the world to rights. I may have bored her with my new found love of economics and Richard Murphy.

Jungle / Yarn / Land Justice

Monday 9 September, 2024

by Rosemary at 8:00pm in Smallholding 2 comments Add your own

Monday 2nd September

Rain overnight and most of the day. I’m less tired from the weekend at our Party Conference than I thought I would be. But since it’s raining, we’re having a restful day and doing some Festival stuff. Dan is knitting his sock entry for the Festival.

Zoom meeting tonight with the Festival livestock Stewards.

Tuesday 3rd September

MUCH nicer today; wet underfoot this morning but broken cloud and warming up nicely as the sun got out. We have so much grass.

Turkey / Socks / Winter preparations

Monday 2 September, 2024

by Rosemary at 11:49am in Smallholding 3 comments Add your own

Monday 26th August

Cool and a heavy dew first thing, but no wind. Sun out by 9am. Lovely sunrise.

sunriseBeautiful sunrise.

I weeded half the brassica bed before my chum Tara arrived. I was going to pull out this parsley that’s gone to seed, but it was moving with pollinators.

parsleyParsley and pollinators.

Collision / "Ermintrude" / Harvest

Monday 26 August, 2024

by Rosemary at 9:49am in Smallholding 3 comments Add your own

Tuesday 20th August

Home again. Thoroughly enjoyed spending some time with family; it’s been too long, and I hope they feel the same.

The trip didn’t quite go as planned after a camper van ran into the back of me in queuing traffic on the M6 on Sunday. Thankfully no-one hurt and our car is driveable, but a bit scary. Now to sort out the insurance.

I had a lovely breakfast in the Westminster Tea Rooms, on Lord Street (Southport) – all dark wood, 1920s music, silver teapot and strainer, and waitresses in black and white. Highly recommend.

Peas, Berries, Gages and a Bunny Belly

Thursday 22 August, 2024

by Rosemary at 6:01pm in Smallholding 0 comments Add your own

Monday 12th August

Very oppressive and stormy first thing; the ponies were all spooky. Rain started in earnest maybe 9am and kept up until about noon, with some heavy peals of thunder. So we all had a relaxing morning. Well, the dogs weren’t THAT relaxed.

petsCooper, Diesel and Gwenna, snoozing.

By 2pm, it was roasting. No visible sun, but so warm and humid. We did some housework – well, it needed doing – and some paperwork.

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