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Roses, raspberries, and redcurrants

Monday 22 July, 2024

by Rosemary at 7:46am in Smallholding 0 comments Add your own

Monday 15th July

I was dreaming that Dan had given me a big choux bun filled with chocolate mousse; I was just about to take a bite and my alarm went off. Happy birthday to me lol

Today is St Swithin’s Day; whatever the weather shall be today, so it shall remain for 40 days. Mild; close and a bit muggy.

Cooper was “playing” with the hens again today. Maybe we need a big, feisty cockerel. He also helped me to hang out the washing.

CooperCooper, helping.

Good living and sleepy pups

Monday 15 July, 2024

by Rosemary at 8:53am in Smallholding 0 comments Add your own

Monday 8th July

Cool but sunny start to the week. As the day progressed, it got pretty warm. Hot, even. Better enjoy it as rain is forecast for the rest of the week.

Planned to spend as much time outside as possible before things really get away from me. I have a Zoom call every evening this week, on a variety of topics and I do need to do some Festival work.

I thought I’d start this week’s diary with an update on the vegetable garden. As always, some things are doing well. Some not so well.

Election / Paths / Beds

Monday 8 July, 2024

by Rosemary at 6:02am in Smallholding 0 comments Add your own

W/e Sunday 7th July

Mixed weather; it would be warm for winter but it’s not warm for summer. Wednesday, downright cold in the morning, after overnight rain, but warming up and getting windy in the afternoon.

Dan’s been busy cutting grass, cutting down rogue trees (for path edging and pegs in the front garden). We bought twelve alpines last week, so they have been planted in the stumpery.

I’ve been busy with election stuff.

Thursday 4th July

Incredibly windy, cold in the morning. Incredibly windy, warm in the afternoon.

Double birthday / Weaning / Topping

Monday 1 July, 2024

by Rosemary at 9:47am in Smallholding 0 comments Add your own

W/e Sunday 30th June

Short entry this week; weather changeable, warm, cool, wet, windy

On Monday 24th, after the Highland Show, Alistair weaned the lambs and took them home, but added the gimmers to the ewes, leaving us 24 sheep. They’re in Home, browsing happily. Most, but not all of them will go to the tup later in the year.

sheepEwes and gimmers.

Royal Highland Show

Monday 24 June, 2024

by Rosemary at 8:42am in Smallholding 0 comments Add your own

Monday 17th June

Found the tap in Sheepfold broken this morning; it wouldn’t turn off. Dan soon had it sorted though.

I’m taking part in a survey of omnivores for Nourish and I have to keep a food diary.  Dan made his special lentil and bacon soup. Delicious. I could eat it every day.

We weighed the kittens, because I need to pick up their wormer / flea spot on tomorrow. Dot is 3.4kg and Cooper is 4.9kg.

Dan collected Mickey’s Prascend from the vet; I gave him it in a bit of wholemeal pitta with a smear of Marmite. Seemed to work and be enjoyed. Turned them out into Far Top tonight – long grass, so less sugar. They were very happy. It looks like prairie. With rushes.

Rain / Rose / Cushings

Monday 17 June, 2024

by Rosemary at 6:41am in Smallholding 1 comment Add your own

Monday 10th June

More of the same weatherwise; mixed sun, cloud and showers, breezy and about 13C.

Picked up my new glasses this morning; love ‘em. Thanks to my style consultant, Tara for that.

Dan went jogging at Crombie Country Park with some chums from football. I got my exercise putting the cushion covers for our Poang IKEA chairs back on. We’ve had them forever, but it’s the first time we’ve had the covers cleaned. My goodness, they’re wearing well.

Cattle away / Stumpery / Bowhouse

Monday 10 June, 2024

by Rosemary at 2:52pm in Smallholding 1 comment Add your own

Monday 3rd June

Glorious day, sunny and warm with a brisk but warm breeze.

Farrier was here this morning; Mickey’s feet looked long, to me, but Scott said they were OK, they just grow differently to Smokey’s.

I brought the cows and calf in, with access to the wee paddocks, ready for tomorrow. I’ve got all the paperwork ready to go, along with all the bits and pieces we’ll no longer need.

Dan went off to play snooker at lunchtime, then we watched the Gibralter v Scotland game at the pub.Not the best performance but noone got injured.

Magpies / Stumpery / Dottie

Monday 3 June, 2024

by Rosemary at 8:43am in Smallholding 1 comment Add your own

Monday 27th May

Far better day weatherwise then forecast; mainly sunny and warm with a few showers.

We both had some desk work to do first, but then the rest of the day was spent outside in the garden. Dan carried on with riddling soil and topping up the new beds; I weeded the first bed and started to plant up the second bed. The first bed is growing away fine – nothing dead so far.

first-bedFirst bed is coming away nicely.

Tatties / Pasture Pen / Dead calf

Monday 27 May, 2024

by Rosemary at 7:22pm in Smallholding 0 comments Add your own

Monday 20th May

Up at 1.30 am then 4.30am; come on, Blizzard lol. Cool at 4.30am but sun out by 9am, and shaping up for another warm day.

Dan finished the pasture pen for the meat chickens and we finally got them outside. Great to see them chooking about and pecking away at the grass.

penPasture pen.

chicksMeat birds.

Bronte / Leeks / New pen

Monday 20 May, 2024

by Rosemary at 9:33am in Smallholding 0 comments Add your own

Monday 13th May

Jings, we had a fair bit of rain overnight but it turned into a lovely day.

I dug docks out of the vegetable garden paths and we had our first new potatoes out of the polytunnel. I don’t usually plant early potatoes – these just came up from some missed last year. So good, I think I’ll grow some next year.

potatoesCaledonian Rose as new potatoes.

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