Harvest / Cheddar / Butter / Smallholding Scotland
Thursday 6 July, 2017
Monday 26th June
The fox woke us at 4am this morning. Bryn was going daft and had to be released to do whatever he does – runs around barking, I guess.
Couldn’t get back to sleep, so baked some almond biscuits and coconut cookies to fill the tins.
Milking machine still broken, but Dan is working on it :-(
Milking machine repair, looks complicated.
Read more on Harvest / Cheddar / Butter / Smallholding Scotland
Rosie's calf / Crovect / Great Tapestry / 1st spuds / Pie
Friday 14 July, 2017
Monday 3rd July
Beautiful morning. Up at 4am, wondering if Rosie was calving. She wasn’t. Consequently felt a bit zombie-like.
Lots of strawberries – best crop ever. And a good crop of gooseberries too. Raspberries are poorer – but they were supposed to be replanted this year and that didn’t quite happen.
The freezer is getting full, even though we’re eating lightly cooked strawberries with yogurt every day for breakfast. Delicious.
Read more on Rosie's calf / Crovect / Great Tapestry / 1st spuds / Pie
Milking / Harvest / Bread / Short course / Birthday
Monday 24 July, 2017
Monday 10th July
Overcast but dry. The cows were exceedingly unco-operative today – Blizz just refused to come in – and I ran out of time and patience, so no milk today.
Bug had his feet trimmed – they grow at a huge rate.
Sent off the registrations to the Shetland Cattle Herd Book Society – Annie’s calf, Panda is registered as Rosedean Xena and Rosie’s as Rosedean Xanthe (she doesn’t have a pet name yet). Blizzard’s steer calf isn’t registered, of course.
Read more on Milking / Harvest / Bread / Short course / Birthday
A wedding / Record-keeping / Cattle / Bread and cheese
Thursday 27 July, 2017
Monday 17th July
While doing the routine weekly paperwork, I’ve been pulling out the costs for this year’s pigs and meat birds. Because they are short-term discrete enterprises, it’s pretty simple.
Today we cleaned the eight birds we killed yesterday – they weighed 2.3kg to 3.4kg, totaled 22.3kg, average 2.79kg. I’ll do the same when we do the nine hens next week and see how much they cost us to produce.
As things stand with the pigs, if they have an average deadweight of 60kg, they’ll have cost us £3.73/kg to get them to the butcher.
Read more on A wedding / Record-keeping / Cattle / Bread and cheese
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