Duck / Greens / Couch
Monday 1 March, 2021
Monday 22nd February
Lovely spring day again. Linda found a basket of unidentified bulbs in the greenhouse so has planted them in pots. I think some are double tulips, so if they come, they will be lovely.
Picked up two bales of hay for here and a bale of hay and a bale of straw for East Pitkerro, to take down later in the week. I’ve tidied out the area where the ponies tie I and the hay is stored and it certainly looks much bigger. I’m wondering if we should concrete it as we planned or put down some sort of gravel bed and rubber mats.
Orchard / Bonfire / Aurora
Sunday 7 March, 2021
Monday 1st March
Paperwork day, so in the office. March seems to be coming in like a lamb.
Blizzard is almost sound. Which is great because I got the bill and the antibiotic was over £50.
Started feeding Roo, the BFL expecting triplets, and Niamh, because she’s old. Roo is the least friendly of the BFLs, so shedding off the two of them was a wee bit of a pantomime but it got done. I’ve kept them in the wee tup paddock overnight and will feed them again in the morning – hopefully, she’ll realise quite quickly that coming in is a good thing.
Mulching / Weeding / Mutton
Monday 15 March, 2021
Monday 8th March
Steven was planning to be here today to scrape Sheepfold but he was otherwise engaged – it’s still a bit wet to be honest. Dave Laing, from whom we rent the 10 acre field, came down for a look and he’s going to run the mulching mower over it for us to take the rushes down.
Quick trip to East Pitkerro and a mega pile of paperwork, but all done.
Tuesday 9th March
Finished weeding the second flower bed at the front of the house and rewarded myself by taking Smokey for a walk.
Rhubarb / Roo / Ace
Sunday 21 March, 2021
Monday 15th March
March 15th is the day the Rural Payments Single Application Form (SAF) opens to farmers. I was tempted to stay up last night until midnight plus 1 minute and complete it then, but I waited until a more reasonable 10am. That’s it done for another year.
I took the dogs and walked the fields taking soil samples for pH, potash, phosphate and magnesium testing. I did three samples – Sheepfold, our five-acre field and Laing’s Field. I more or less followed the W pattern. I think. Dropped them off at the SAC office in Forfar, along with the soil corer and we should get the results next week.
Peas / Tomatoes / Fencing
Sunday 28 March, 2021
Monday 22nd March
Frosty this morning, but lovely once the sun came up, but still a cold wind.
Once the chores were done, I addressed envelopes for the first comfrey orders going out this week because Royal Mail are rubbish. After lunch, I had a pile of election leaflets to put out – very good for getting my daily steps up and seeing bits of the town I haven’t seen before.
Ooh, writing with a pen. What a novelty!
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