Posted: Wednesday 8 June, 2005
Dan's in London for a couple of days, so I'm, notionally at least, in charge. In case I get bored, Dan's left me a "To Do" list.
So tonight I had two and a half lovely hours in the garden. Gardening in our place is not a solitary occupation. Tess generally goes off and does her own thing, but Meg will be throwing you her ball (and barking at you if you don't throw it back), Cassius will be supervising all you do, the hens will be chooking about in case you dig up a worm or a bug or two. And the midges eat you.
I did a bit of weeding, some sweeping up, which is always therapeutic, and I started work on the orchard. Now, I haven't finished the book yet but I decided (actually, it was on my "To Do" list) to clear away the weeds, top dress with bone meal and renew the mulch around each tree. This was also an opportunity to repair the damage the sheep have done to the rabbit / hen guards. I managed to get five (out of 14) completed and two partly done, before I ran out of bone meal. I will complete this job on Friday, weather permitting.
Tomorrow morning, I will have the watering to do - it's been very warm here today and I think it is a good forecast for tomorrow. Dan usually does an hour in the garden before going to work, which keeps on top of most things apart from the weeds. The good weather also means the grass has started growing - I love when the lawn is new mown but the task can bet just a wee bit repetitive.
So, I'd better get off to bed - I'll have to be up at first light to get everything done! Come home, Head Gardener!
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