
Fox / Snow / Mince piesRSS feed

Posted: Tuesday 20 December, 2022

by Rosemary at 12:57pm in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 12th December

Minus 7C first thing this morning, but blue skies, sunshine and no wind, so pretty pleasant if you’re well wrapped up. The dogs are enjoying poopsicles.


We must have a dozen pheasants living in and around our garden. And there was a heron and a couple of dozen curlew in the fields today. And so many blackbirds, gorging on apples.

Tuesday 13th December

The fox killed all our hens last night. Our fault- we each thought the other had shut them in. Thirty-three birds, including wee Napoleon, who only had a week as King of the Dunghill.  Gutted. Nineteen dead in the house, the rest gone. I’ve put them in the field – fox might as well finish what s/he started.

And the water is frozen outside.

Wednesday 14th December

It’s our 21st wedding anniversary – rather overshadowed by yesterday’s events.

Feeling low. Today is the first time there has been no hens here and it’s our first time without hens for 22 years. Walked the dogs in our fields and came across two half eaten carcasses and some feathers. I can’t face cleaning out the house yet.


The only running water outside is in the outside WC.

Couldn’t face going shopping but made mince pies and truffles.

piesMince pies.

Thursday 15th December
All the dead hens I put out on Tuesday are gone. Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

Bertie’s hiding from the weather.

BertieBertie snuggled in.

Friday 16th December

Blizzard seems to be totally sound. Yay! Great, since I can’t get hold of the trimmer.

And we have snow.

snowWinter wonderland.

Saturday 17th December

Five years ago, we brought Tom home from the cat shelter. He’s changed a lot in that time. And all for the better. And now we’ve stopped “Dreamies”, his wee “tummy issue” has resolved.

Sunday 18th December

Must be the Christmas spirit, but ten years ago, we brought Penfold home from the cat shelter. I can’t believe it’s ten years. He’s a wee old man now, but a sweetie. He and Bertie are like the Odd Couple, always grumping at each other.  And he’s so greedy. But only for chicken, tuna and sardines.

A thaw is underway. The water at the barn has unfrozen, although the feed store supply is still off. Hope we don’t have burst pipes.

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