Posted: Monday 4 October, 2021
Monday 20th September
Off on holiday. Back Friday.
Friday 24th September
Home again!
Dan had to put Sheldon down this morning; he’d been damaged in the fox attack but seemed to have recovered reasonably well, but he was getting weaker and it was the right thing to do to let him go.
Dan has also made a start on clearing the sunken garden. We’ve been here before, so I’m not holding my breath.
Sunken garden.
And he found a stash of eggs in the brown house pen.
A stash of eggs.
Saturday 25th September
Getting caught up with wee jobs – like planting my hyacinth bulbs. I bought three Christmas magazines on holiday and now I’m full of plans, a few of which will not come to fruition. But it’s nice to dream.
Since we were working in the vegetable garden – Dan lifting tatties and me weeding (for a change) – we decided to let the two Poland hens out. They’re so tame. They have been named Audrey (black one) and Dusty (blonde one).
Sunday 26th September
Smokey broke the brush in the barn. It withstood Ace but not “destructoarse”.
Dan and Andy went off to take down a couple of trees for firewood; one down, one to go.
Spent the afternoon in the office, tidying up, dealing with 300 odd emails and getting the paperwork ready for our sheep inspection tomorrow. And I baked a fruit cake and prepared to make Fig, Walnut and Parmesan Biscotti – if they’re nice, I’ll make them for festive gifts.
Monday 27th September
Absolutely tipping it down overnight and this morning. Sheep inspection was fine – one missing tag, which we knew about.
No biscotti for festive gifts. Not nice.
Tuesday 28th September
Ordered a new tag for Niamh.
Found a recipe for “Boozy microwave fudge” so tried it, as a potential festive gift. Not a success. It hasn’t set. It’s like sticky icky semi-solid caramel. I’ve left it on a plate, covered overnight.
Wednesday 29th September
Decided to give the “fudge” a bit more blasting in the microwave – and made tablet! Which we like better than fudge anyway. Ha! From the jaws of defeat!
Picked up two bales of hay – it was 6C on the car. Definitely autumn.
Thursday 30th September
Mostly doing Festival stuff just now. My retirement from the event hasn’t quite happened. It’s been the weirdest year but finally the Covid regulations look to be clarified. Finally.
Friday 1st October
Mucked out the barn. Moved the cows closer to the steading; Blizzard due in a week’s time, but she might go early.
Blizzard's baby bump.
One of the steers at EP has escaped twice this week, so Dan and I went down to make a repair. The two big steers go off 25th October, so there will only be two over winter (since we had no steer calves this year ourselves).There’s so much grass. I usually house them 1st November but I think I’ll set up the shed with hay and straw on th 25th, but leave them out as long as possible.
Dan the repairman.
Grass at EP.
Flippin’ Bean managed to get in with the ewes. Hopefully no romancing took place. He and his two wether chums are back in beside the caravan. Seems to be the only pen that can hold them.
Saturday 2nd October
Woke in a panic about Blizzard - false alarm, good intent.
Cool and sunny; Dan strimmed two hen paddocks, hopefully for the last time this year, then tidied up the veg. garden. I cleaned out the hens.
Off to see the new Bond movie this evening.
Sunday 3rd October
Very tired today; got up at 3am to check on Blizzard. Put the ponies on the front grass to eat it down – it’s too long for the mower now. Did some Festival stuff and some of the paperwork on the list for tomorrow and finally, made a start on emptying the hanging baskets and pots. There’s fuchsia I want to keep, so I’m potting them up. Planning to finish that job tomorrow then I can think about planting up for spring.
The calves are 5 months now, but not too big for a feed.
Annie and Baby.