
Veggie kittensRSS feed

Posted: Monday 28 September, 2009

by Rosemary at 6:47pm in Cats 1 comment Comments closed

Cats are obligate carnivores - they MUST eat meat as their bodies cannot build all the essential proteins for life. Cassius had pretty catholic tastes in food - curry, chili, chips, crisps but vegetables? I don't think so.

I was somewhat surprised to see Harry (I think) tucking into some runner beans that were leftover from dinner. Please understand that our cats are not normally allowed on the table but I was so gobsmacked that I sat and watched him for five minutes as he gobbled up the beans. He had a wee taste of peas and carrots too but beans seemed to be the favourite.

Strange little cat.


Cath Livingstone

Wednesday 30 September, 2009 at 10:23am

I had a cat that liked courgettes. Raw! But many cats do eat vegetables if they're flavoured with gravy

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