
The grass is always greenerRSS feed

Posted: Monday 15 May, 2006

by Dan at 7:09pm in Pigs 5 comments Comments closed

Despite what you might have heard, sometimes the grass really is greener on the other side. At the weekend we moved the pigs into the second pen, which was full of lush grass and succulent docks.

Pigs enjoying the long grass

They had a brief mad moment, overcome with excitement, but soon settled down to some serious eating. We'll probably keep them in this pen until they go to slaughter, giving me time to sow something in the vacant pen which is now almost devoid of foliage and well-manured. That way it should be ready for next spring's weaners.



Wednesday 17 May, 2006 at 4:19am

Until they go to slaughter? I'm from a different country...does go to slaughter mean you plan to eat those adorable piggies? Please tell me it's not so...

...they're so cute...


Wednesday 17 May, 2006 at 9:09am

Yes, we do plan to eat them. As omnivores we have to choose between eating meat that someone else has raised and killed, with a degree of uncertainty over how the animals have been treated, or raising and killing our own meat, secure in the knowledge that they've been well looked after. Where possible we choose the latter option.

And they get much less cute as they get older! Just wait 'til you see the chicks we plan to eat, they'll be seriously cute...


Saturday 20 May, 2006 at 6:07am

Interesting. I suppose I shouldn't gaze at your photos in the manner in which I've been - somewhat as family photos. Well, it's certainly been an eye opener. I've been so focused on the beautiful coloration and their muscular structure...geesh...I forget that people actually eat meat...sigh.

By the way, you're technically a carnivore you meat eater you (and I mean that in a kind way) :)


Thursday 1 June, 2006 at 9:33pm

Hi, your piggies look great! All that lush grass, they will be in piggy heven.

We raised tamworths as our first pig's, but found them a bit fatty for our taste, going on to cross old spot, landrace. Have u found the same or are they more your taste?

was contemplating lge blacks this year though.

Do u butcher your own or get a local butcher in? we are lucky that my uncle is a retired butcher, and he has been helping out, we have been doing out apprentaship so to speak. lol


Thursday 1 June, 2006 at 11:26pm

Hi Mandy. The first year we had Tamworths we overfed them a bit and they did run to fat. Ever since though we've judged their feeding much better, and they've proved to be fantastic dual-purpose pigs. That said we've never tried any other breed, so we may be missing out!

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