
Incubator in full swingRSS feed

Posted: Monday 8 May, 2006

by Dan at 6:56pm in Poultry 4 comments Comments closed

Last autumn we bought an incubator, in anticipation of getting a cockerel, or failing that buying fertlised eggs and hatching chicks from then. In the end of course we got Henry, and now that we're confident he's doing his best to fertilise some eggs we've fired up the incubator and stuck half a dozen of our Rhode Island Red eggs in there. We've also put half a dozen eggs in there for some friends whose Marin cockerel pegged it last week, but hopefully his line will continue if the incubator does its job.

This is day 1, so on or around Monday 29th May we might have a few more dependents, and we can start looking forward to our first home-reared table birds. For the next 18 days all we need to do is keep the humidity at the right level, and make sure the motorised egg-turner is doing its job.


Marie Webb

Friday 19 May, 2006 at 4:05pm

We've just hatched our second lot of Maran chicks from our own birds we keep on our allotment. We've got a brinsea Oct10 and I find it really easy to use. So much so that I bought another cheap on ebay and have another four Maran eggs in it along with six light sussex which I bought on ebay too. These are to hatch at the end of the month.


Monday 22 May, 2006 at 8:16pm

Marie, we know where to go to for help when we get stuck then! Our incubator is a Covatutto and seems to be very easy to use, time will tell I suppose. I may have to trawl EBay for a cheap backup though...


Tuesday 30 May, 2006 at 11:16pm

My first visit to your site & im interested to know if these eggs have hatched yet


Wednesday 31 May, 2006 at 9:26am

Unfortunately we seem to have had a 100% failure rate with this batch of eggs. This afternoon I'll switch off the incubator and start the unpleasant business of trying to find out why.

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