
SnowdropsRSS feed

Posted: Sunday 1 February, 2004

by Dan at 8:55pm in Gardening Comments closed

SnowdropsI've no idea if they're early or not, but today I noticed the first snowdrops starting to emerge in one of the small corner beds in the garden. At the very least it's a sure sign that despite the recent cold spell here, the dark mornings and nights are starting to fade and the amazing (to me) cycle of growth and decay is about to start all over again.

Looking more closeley there are all sorts of things starting to grow now - I have absolutely no idea what most of them are, but then the flower and shrub garden is Rosemary's domain and I still struggle to identify even the most common shrubs and flowers. Last year I made some effort to introduce beneficial flowers to the vegetable garden, such as marigolds and poached egg plant, and this year will strive to do the same. Companion planting is something I don't have enough knowledge of to do confidently, so some research is definitely needed.

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