
Preparation for tuppingRSS feed

Posted: Saturday 2 October, 2010

by Rosemary at 12:08pm in Sheep Comments closed

John has done a fabulous job of fencing one of the small paddocks. It was fenced with two wires and the posts and gates were in good condition, so he's added new stock fencing. This morning, we moved the seven females into this new paddock. Oh, how happy they were. They were like kids in a sweetshop - "oooh, I'll try this", "mmm, nibble this one". The paddock they've been on is pretty bare, so hopefully this attempt at flushing will work and we'll have a good lamb crop next March.

Moving Ryeland ewes from asmallholder on Vimeo.

All the worm tests for the sheep came back clear, even Lucy. So Leo will go in with the girls in three weeks. Before he does, we'll take out the three ewe lambs as we prefer to tup our sheep for the first time as gimmers. Once Leo comes out, round about Christmas, the ewe lambs will go back in with the ewes. Last time I looked, all the girls were lying contentedly, chewing their cud. Nice.

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