Posted: Sunday 3 October, 2010
Buddy, our shearling Coloured Ryeland tup, has a new home. I am so glad. Because we have his sisters, we can't use him for breeding, so he's been for sale for a while. If we didn't get a buyer by the end of October, he'd have been chops.
On Thursday, I got a call from a man with a small flock of sheep that he uses for sheepdog training. Like us, he had daughters of his existing tup coming into the flock, so he needed another one to cover them and he liked the Ryelands. His existing tup is a Coloured Ryeland too, called Biffo, and he's had really good lambs from him.
So Buddy has a new home and is going on Friday. The nice thing is that he isn't too far away and the people are really lovely. Their existing tup is being kept to cover the older ewes, while Buddy will have the youngsters.
I may shed a tear or two when he goes, but at least he's going to do what we bred him for, so that's a result.
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I'm glad too. I'm wondering if I could buy him back in two years time and use him on Leo's daughters then retire him. Just don't tell Dan :-)
Wanda Wood
Everything looks just wonderful! Cannot wait to see the finished product! I was SO PROUD of Smokey and the dog situation. You have did a great job of training him, Rosemary! Proud of you, also!! What was the little stone building (inside the barn) used for? Did you save the stones for another use? Hope you do get moved in this month, so you can settle in before the holidays!!
Wanda Wood
I forgot to ask you; if the Tartan carpet for the stairs, is your family Tartan? I LOVE it!!!
Hi Wanda - hope you are all wellover there in Oregon! We have saved the stone - there is another part-stone building to come down in the Spring, and all the stone will be used, firstly to build a wall in the fruit garden to close it off, then to face the cottage that John and Linda are going to build beside our house.
No, it's not our family tartan. Dan, being English, doesn't have a tartan. My own name is Hunter, and our tartan is a rather nice green one. Named tartan carpets are way, way expensive - and it wouldn't really complement the tiled floor. I might try and sneak some Hunter tartan in somewhere, though.
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Monday 4 October, 2010 at 11:25pm
I am glad you are not going to eat him.