
Poor Tess!RSS feed

Posted: Thursday 18 November, 2004

by Rosemary at 9:04pm in Dogs Comments closed

Homer in bedOnce our dogs had passed the puppy chewy stage, we bought them bean bags from a company called Barka Parka. They are probably one of our best ever buys. The bags are made of heavy cotton drill and have a top cover that's easily removable for washing.

However, the material seems to shrug off hair and dirt and a good shake usually renders them pretty clean. The dogs love them. However, so does Homer. He has adopted the one by the radiator, much to Tess's chagrin. Homer's really funny. He loves the bed but seems to find the texture funny to walk on so he sort of pounces from the floor into the middle.

So, today I ordered two cat sized beds; one for Homer and one for Copper. Copper has a little sheepskin bed but it gets really dirty and hairy, so hopefully she'll like her new bean bag. We should have the new beds by Christmas. Knowing cats, there is a possibility that Homer will continue to occupy Tess's bed and Tess will be perched on a cat sized bed.

But we'll cross that bridget when we come to it.

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