Posted: Monday 19 May, 2008
We have a little patio area under the kitchen window; it faces south east. As well as a slabbed area, there's a bed about this by that. Last year, I had my "Three Sisters" bed there; this year, we've planted potatoes, with lettuce in between the ridges, eight tomato plants and a courgette. Plus a clump of catmint for Cassius.
In pots, we've also got potatoes, which look lovely; tomatoes, cucumber and various herbs, including a lovely rosemary (naturally!) and a bay tree. There is a couple of pots of lavender and a small lilac, which is just coming into flower - when it does, the scent is absolutely beautiful. Finally, there is a pot of "rescued" strawberries, which are just starting to flower.
I'm really pleased with it - the rosemary, the chives, the potatoes and the catmint are flowering, lilacs, blues and pink. It's a lovely place to sit, especially in the morning when it gets the best of the sun. And it should be productive, too, hopefully.
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Wednesday 11 June, 2008 at 5:54am
Hello Friends;
Been having never ending computer issues. I finally bagged the old one and got a new one!
We just put in a pond like you did. Could you tell me what kinds of rock you mainly have in Scotland?
We are having a BIG change in weather that we are not use to. Usually in the months of July and August, we have nice winds in the afternoon. But, we have been having all day winds, everyday for nearly a month. YUK! It is really hard on my plants. One good thing is the Mosquitos do NOT like the wind. We have a Mosquito Magnet that keeps ALL the mosquitos away for 2 acres. It was worth its weight in gold!!
The gas is way high here, so traveling too far away this summer is not on the agenda. We have only one trip this month and that is to go to our sons Art Showing.
It looks like all your animals and each of you are doing well. That I am glad to see. Take care and I will be back! I do have a envelope of pictures and a letter to get in the mail to you. I seem to be constantly behind these days.