
New sheep shelterRSS feed

Posted: Monday 23 March, 2009

by Rosemary at 8:49pm in Sheep 5 comments Comments closed

Our new sheep shelter is almost finished. I think it looks great - it certainly won't blow away, for sure.

Longcarse Field Shelter

I'll bring my stable mats back this week and we'll get some straw for the pens. We also need to put up some tie rings, to secure the hurdles that we're using to make pens. No curtains, though.

The hens think it's great. The sheep, so far, have boycotted it and actually run past the entrance. However, if I put the trough in there, I'm sure they'll like it better!

From next week, I'm going to shut them in the shed at night so they'll be easier to keep an eye on. I don't really want to be scouring the field in the middle of the night for a lambing sheep!



Tuesday 24 March, 2009 at 7:11pm

My ewes didn't take much notice of their shelter when they are pregnant, however, now that they have their lambs they do make their way in there if the weather turns horrible. Perhaps just instinct to take the lambs to shelter? Glad they do as they've just been moved from their confinement in indoor quarters (stable in a livery yard up the road) to the great outdoors.

Best of luck with the lambing


Saturday 27 October, 2012 at 7:29pm

Hi Rosemary, do you have any plans for the shelter, I am just about build one. Would you change anything

regards Steve


Tuesday 30 October, 2012 at 10:17pm

Steve, I'd put in a solid floor. The chuckies were impossible to clean out - and with it being for lambing, that was kind of essential.

Tracy Kemlo

Sunday 1 September, 2013 at 11:44pm

Do you have plans to this shelter? My daughter will be getting her 4-H lamb and goat this would be perfect.


Tuesday 3 September, 2013 at 10:30am

Hi Tracy

Sorry, I don't have plans and we don't live there any more so I can't even take more photos.

Ventilation is the most important think with sheep. And a cleanable floor - we had pebbles to start and they were a nightmare. We have mats on hardcore in our shelter here and that works well.

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