
MegRSS feed

Posted: Tuesday 24 March, 2009

by Dan at 8:11pm in Dogs 2 comments Comments closed

Words commonly used to describe Meg in this household include pest, menace, irritating, annoying, demanding, and nuts. When I'm not shut in my office working she's my constant companion, always there by my side or under my feet, doing all she can to help. Tess of course is nowhere to be seen, with her head down some rabbit hole or other. But Meg is always there. Like a piece of shrapnel. To illustrate. We had a few glorious spring days here last week, when the sun beamed and the wind was little more than a gentle breeze. We don't get many days like that at any time of year, let alone in March, so I grabbed a chair from the shed and took some time out to enjoy the weather. Meg came and lay down beside me, I closed my eyes, but it lasted about 3 minutes before I knew I was being watched:
Meg, border collie from asmallholder on Vimeo. On most of our videos you can either see Meg under my feet or hear her yipping in the background. She's always on the move when we're outside, helping with a stick, playing with a ball or just making sure we're okay. And although we complain about it we really wouldn't have it any other way.



Tuesday 24 March, 2009 at 10:15pm

I've just read your blog about Meg after finding a link to your site from someone else's...and it did make me laugh! I have a Meg, and she is exactly the same - always there like you say - and we wouldn't have it any other way either!!


Wednesday 25 March, 2009 at 5:47pm

lovely happy dog!

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