Posted: Monday 19 November, 2012
Our Coloured Ryeland tup, Lingah Nemo, went out with our eight ewes and three gimmers on 4th November – and the fireworks started on the 5th! By Friday last week, he had served all eleven, so I’m off to change the raddle to green. I do hope we don’t get any green bums.
In any case, I’m taking him out on the 2nd December. I don’t want to be lambing for longer than four weeks. If they aren’t in lamb by then, too bad. I’ll have them scanned in January so I won’t be feeding empty ewes. I’m going to separate those carrying twins and singles this year again – but will resist the temptation to feed those expecting singles this time round to try and reduce the vet bill.
Six weeks at Barry Mill definitely slimmed them down and I’ve been giving them a bit of bagged feed this year, so hopefully that will increase the number of twins born. Last year, we had thirteen lambs from nine ewes – five singles and four sets of twins born, which was a wee bit disappointing but since we didn’t lose any ewes or lambs so across the piece, it was actually fine.
Our oldest ewes, Juno, Jura and Jinx, will be having their fifth crop of lambs in 2013. All still have good mouths and seem in robust good health (touch wood), so hopefully they will go on for a few years yet.
Thanks Don, and nice to see you here. We love our Ryelands too, everyone says their chosen breed(s) are the best, but we know we're right. :-)
I have 6 lambs born fit and well at between 109 - 115 days gestation.
Anyone else had very short gestation lambing experiences?
Ewes are Jacob and Ram is a Texel, who went into flock 28th October.
No idea!! Post on the forum and see if anyone else has had a similar experience :-)
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Wednesday 12 December, 2012 at 6:25pm
I hope Juno, Jura and Jinx keep going for a couple more years for you. I just discovered the blog and will follow your exploits. I love woolly backs my dad kept sheep when I was a boy (50 years ago) and I still miss them.