
It's been a while...RSS feed

Posted: Sunday 8 August, 2004

by Dan at 7:55pm in Anything goes 3 comments Comments closed

Boy we've been slack around here! Over two weeks since our last post just isn't good enough - must try harder.

We've been busy though. Lifting and drying hundreds of onions (all that's needed now is the will to plait them), picking and shelling endless pea pods, dealing with what could only be described as a jungle of docks, lifting and drying mounds of spuds and preparing the garden for the local garden competition (we're in the 'biodiversity', or 'scruffy howff' category) in the little spare time we have had.

This morning we had a breakfast party with some friends - almost completely home produced, with scrambled eggs, streaky smoked bacon, herb sausages, grilled tomatoes and fried potatoes. If only I'd lifted those field mushrooms last week we could have done the whole shebang...



Sunday 8 August, 2004 at 9:20pm

very satisfying, growing your own dinner! hope you do well in your competition


Monday 9 August, 2004 at 12:33am

Lucky you!!!!!!!! We are still waiting on eggs from our hens,,,,slide shows may be in order. And I'm sure your garden will do well its not nearly as diverse as ours,,,,,last week we found the long lost spade!!!


Tuesday 10 August, 2004 at 10:31am

Well, I maybe overplayed the garden compo. Preparation consisted mostly of sweeping up chicken shit and strimming the weeds from the paths and patios! We're not terribly hopeful, but thought it important to support a local competition that encourage biodiversity.

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