
Bugsy's new jobRSS feed

Posted: Sunday 4 December, 2011

by Rosemary at 7:22pm in Equines 2 comments Comments closed

Bugsy, our Shetland pony, started his new job yesterday - delivering hay. After a quick brush and pedicure, he got dressed in his klibber and carried two hay nets down to the hay boxes. He can't manage the knots, so I had to unload smiley

Bugsy wearing his klibberBugsy with his klibber

Today, he did a double shift - two hay nets to the hay boxes and two hay nets to the ewes' hayrack.

I'm working on a way for him to carry layer pellets to the hens.

He really seems to enjoy his job. We bought the klibber last year from www.journeyman-leather.co.uk, with the intention of collecting seaweed from the beach, for the garden. Now we've got going, it's likely that Bugsy will be doing a lot more carrying - especially if I can find a way to tie him up outside the Co-op smiley



Saturday 10 December, 2011 at 11:37am

I love him. the smallest pony doing the most work..... they have such a hard life... lol.

Judy Paterson

Monday 19 December, 2011 at 7:16pm

Oh wee Bugsy looks great! He looks so proud of himself! I will send the link to his Fife Fan Club!



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