Posted: Monday 8 November, 2021
Monday 25h October
There was wee bit of rain overnight but it turned into a beautiful day – bit blowy, but clear and sunny. And I got a load of washing dry outside. Yay!
Dreamed about loading cattle, then got up and did it for real. I think these two steers were the easiest ever to load. So that’s them off; paperwork done. I forgot the FCI for the haulier so had to email it to the abattoir later. It’s part of the pig movement licence but for cattle it’s a separate document. And sorted Rora’s off/on movement to the Festival on Saturday.
The abattoir emailed the pig weights – 107.5kg, 91kg and 101.5kg. I cleaned out the pig ark – dusty work indeed. Still, got me out of the office for a wee while.
Dan did an apple pressing session at a community group on Saturday, so he had to go and pick up our equipment. I have booked him for the Festival next year.
Tuesday 26th October
The weights for the cattle were 365.5kg and 304kg, graded O4H. Collecting the beef 19th November. We’re getting great feedback on the Ace beef.
Thursday 28th October
Picked up two syringes of antibiotics to put straight into Blizzard’s udder. It’s better but not right, so still milking twice a day. Nothing much coming off it though.
Friday 29thOctober
First syringe in, after milking. She was as good as gold. Hardest bit was getting the top off the syringe. Had to go get pliers out the tool shed.
We have a new arrival – a very small cockerel. We have called him Butch. Oh, the irony. He’s in with Audrey and Dusty. He looks like a Serama to me. Usual tale – hens in a built up area, hatched eggs, one cockerel now starting to crow, SSPCA sent them here. What can you do?
Saturday 30thOctober
Second syringe in. Fingers crossed. She seems fine in herself and the calf is bouncing – considering she gave 20 litres a day, a couple of years ago – 15 litres is more than enough for any calf, even a wee Buster like him.
Sunday 31st October
Off to Pennan on north coast of Aberdeenshire for a wee break.
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