
Batchelor padRSS feed

Posted: Sunday 5 September, 2010

by Rosemary at 8:46pm in Sheep Comments closed

That's what our west paddock has become.

We weaned the two tup lambs today - wish we'd video'd it. Jinx lies down if you catch her and try to move her - she must teach her lambs to do it too. Her boy just flopped when we tried to walk him round to the paddock. Nothing daunted, we put him on the flat bed trolley and gave him a wee hurl. Worked fine!

Ryeland weaners

So he and his half brother are now in with Dickie, Buddy and Leo (new pet name for Fetternear Lionheart) - all lads together. They're getting along fine - I don't think Ryelands are very aggressive sheep - takes too much energy. The lambs are bleating a bit but I think the ewes were glad to see the back of them - they bleated for about and hour then stopped.

I've left the only ewe lamb with her mother - she'll wean naturally and Juno can afford to lose some condition. If I manage to buy another two, they can live together when the ewes go to the tup, otherwise she can go in with Dickie, who's everyone's pal.

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