
Where's Hobbes?RSS feed

Posted: Tuesday 3 April, 2007

by Rosemary at 6:31pm in Poultry 5 comments Comments closed

For a short time today, we thought our plans to raise our own chickens had been thwarted yet again. You will recall our trials with the incubator than let us down everytime we used it; you will recall the demise of Henry, our first cockerel.

Now, we have Hobbes and a new Brinsea incubator on order. I was in the garden this afternoon and I didn't see Hobbes. I was moving some manure so all the hens were "helping" by moving it back on to the path. No Hobbes.

Dan was duly despatched to find him - he wasn't with the hens, he wasn't in the ark and there was quite a lot of white feathers around. Oh, dear - had Mr Fox been to call?

No, Hobbes was stuck in the nest box. It was the last place Dan thought to look - after all, why would a cockerel be in a nest box? But there he was. Dan said he was like a Jack-in-the box - popped up when Dan lifted the lid, and hopped out. The nest box has two offset doors at each end - easy for a wee hen. Not so easy for a big (dim) cockerel.

Glad he's OK, though.



Tuesday 3 April, 2007 at 8:47pm

ha, what a laugh, glad he's ok.


Wednesday 4 April, 2007 at 9:53pm

Glad he's ok, it's such a horrible feeling when somebody is missing!


Thursday 5 April, 2007 at 3:52pm

Good morning Rosemary and Dan!

This is such a scary/funny story. I was so glad you found Mr. Hobbes. What was he doing in there? Have any idea???


Thursday 5 April, 2007 at 4:09pm

I wanted you to know that for some reason I can only post on this section of your web site. I do not know why, but will keep trying. Any ideas???


Thursday 5 April, 2007 at 6:47pm

I think he's naturally nosy - or maybe he's looking out for his "girls".

Wanda, no idea on the technical side - I only do typing!!

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