
Tooth oot / Weeding / SunsetRSS feed

Posted: Thursday 27 April, 2017

by Rosemary at 2:57pm in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 20th March

So toady is the vernal equinox – day and night of equal length. Hopefully, we’ll see the grass start to come away now.

Jane was here to trim Bug’s feet; the grass may already be coming away, so he’s on restricted access now, poor boy.

Ace’s increased feed seems to be working and he’s a bit less ribby.

Tuesday 21st March

I had tooth extracted this morning. Dentist told me to have a restful day, so I did.

Actually, I don’t feel all that chipper so having a very early night. The extraction site isn’t sore, but the rest of my body is.

Wednesday 22nd March

Apart from keeping a doctor’s appointment, I’ve spent the day in bed. Don’t know if it’s a reaction to the anaesthetic or what, but I feel terribly flu-like.

Bryn and a variety of cats kept me company.

Thursday 23rd March

Feeling better today.

Trip to the skip with a pretty full livestock trailer from rubbish from the work in the studio; once emptied, it was down to Stirling to pick up a table that we bought off Gumtree for the studio.

After lunch it was up to Brechin to pick up the flat trailer and home via Harbro to pick up a tonne of layer pellets, some beet pulp pellets and a lick for the cows.

Knackered – I find driving pretty stressful.

Friday 24th March

Dan took a half day to help Paul with the studio. The reclaimed wood for the walls and the floor was delivered this morning.

I weeded in the fruit garden – if there was a market for ground elder, we’d be millionaires. Nearly done.

Dan’s spread a good mulch of manure.

Saturday 25th March

Wow, spring has sprung! What a glorious day!

Finally finished weeding the fruit garden (well, half of it).

Sunday 26th March

Another beautiful day for Dan’s birthday! He’s been cleaning floorboards.

Dalmore sunsetDalmore sunset.

Stunning sunset tonight.

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