
Thomas / Squash / WeedingRSS feed

Posted: Monday 13 November, 2023

by Rosemary at 8:18am in Smallholding 1 comment Comments closed

Monday 6th November

Took Thomas to our vet this morning. Not good. She gave him steroids to try and get him eating and a long acting antibiotic; if the steroids are going to work, it will be immediately. If they don’t, we have to have him pts. Even if they do work, he has weeks. Gutted.

Bought lots of nice things to try and tempt his appetite. He’s been out roaming around and basking in the autumn sunshine.

And it’s all over. Thomas came in tonight and collapsed. We rushed him to the vet and he eased Tommy over the Bridge. We were with him at the last. I don’t know how much he was aware of, but I hope he knew we were there and loving him.

ThomasThomas's last day.

Tuesday 7th November

Diesel’s fair lost without his one-eyed chum. Tommy loved Diesel; he followed him around and I think Diesel gave him confidence. They played together like big dopes, shaking the floor if they were upstairs.

I think we’re all upset. Gwenna was sandwiched between Bertie and Diesel – she’s much more tolerant of the cats than Bryn.

GwennaBertie, Gwenna, Diesel.

Bertie was giving her a cuddle.

BertieBertie hugging Gwenna.

Bedding washed, stone ordered, food ready for the cat shelter. Thomas, like all our pets, was in this Premium Pet Scheme, which is about £23 a month. Since we’re not in a position to adopt any more cats just now, we’re going to donate to the cat shelter we got him from. If they ever reply to my email.

Managed to get out to do some weeding this afternoon.

weedsLong growing season for weeds.

Dan picked pears because the birds are eating them on the tree. No wonder – they’re delicious.

PearsBird-eaten pears.

Wednesday 8th November

Heavy rain this morning. I’ve contracted some lurgy (not Covid, I don’t think) – sore throat, dripping nose, tired. Went back to bed after doing the mucking out and feeding and slept sound for three hours; feeling a wee bit better but couldn’t face weeding, so pressed on with a couple of magazine articles I need to write.

Picked the last of the ripe peppers and Dan made sweetcorn chili chowder.


Thursday 9th November

Not Covid, just lurgy.

Diesel was supposed to be at the vet this afternoon. Except I couldn’t find him. Which is weird because he’s like my shadow. As soon as I sit down, he’s on my lap; he waits for me to go to bed and tucks himself in the crook of my knees. I think he may be missing Tom.

DieselMy shadow.

Friday 10th November

Feeling snotty, sore throat and tired. Did my chores then loafed. Moved the squashes to the byre; a couple were rotting so I gave some to the hens. THey loved it.

SquashHens and squash.

Saturday 11th November

Most of the leaves are off the trees now; one more pass of the gutters should set us up for the winter; the ditches will also ned a bit of clearing.

TreesAlmost leafless.

Sunday 12th November

Cold and damp first thing; the sun came out intermittently but some heavy showers.

Lifted the last of the carrots and spring onions. Spring onions in the quiche and carrots in the lentil soup.

carrotsCarots and spring onions.

Feeling much better so out weeding; Dan put Remin and manure on two beds and covered them in black plastic. I finished weeding the third bed and got half of the leek / brassica bed weeded. If the weather holds, I’ll get it finished this week.

weededBedding down the beds.

I need to order halters for the calves. They’re wee chunks now and halter training needs to get underway. I noticed Rora knocking Socks off yesterday, when she was trying to feed.

CalvesSocks and Skip.




Saturday 17 February, 2024 at 7:42am

Great. Thanks for sharing this.

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