Posted: Friday 6 April, 2007
Apologies for this having nothing to do with smallholding and just being a rant!
Alloa is a nice Victorian town, which is fortunately having a bit of a renaissance. There's been quite a lot of resurfacing done in the town centre - in the ubiquitous monoblock. And it's all in different colours! There's grey, a sort of red, a hideous yellow - don't these people ever watch an interior design show? Don't they know to pick a couple of finishes and STICK TO THEM. Variety is NOT the spice of monoblocking.
At the new railway "plaza" (I am coming to hate plazas and atriums), the surface is really nice - grey stone slabs and small square grey blocks. It looks like a quality finish - unlike some of the others, which give a subliminal message "Because you're not worth it" (Apologies to Jane Fonda and L'Oreal).
I think I feel a letter to the "Cooncil" coming on...
leaving this so it'll save my info, pc not doing anything automatically anymore. bah humbug.
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Saturday 7 April, 2007 at 10:04pm
sure there is some victorian road rule about horses haveing the right of way everywhere, lets go and do that round their monoblock!!!